that the Ayah could not come and when Mary threw herself into a passionpassionand beatbeatand kickedkickher , she looked only more frightened and repeatedrepeatthat it was not possible for the Ayah to come to Missie Sahib .
However , they soon returnedreturn, and one of them , who venturedventureso far as to get a full sightsightof my face , liftingliftup his hands and eyes by way of admiration , criedcryout in a shrill but distinct voice , _ Hekinah degul _ : the others repeatedrepeatthe same words several times , but then I knew not what they meant .
But I should have mentioned , that before the principal person began his orationoration, he criedcryout three times , _ Langro dehul san _ ( these words and the former were afterwards repeatedrepeatand explainedexplainto me ) ; whereupon , immediately , about fifty of the inhabitants camecomeand cutcutthe strings that fastened the left side of my head , which gave me the liberty of turningturnit to the right , and of observingobservethe person and gesturegestureof him that was to speak .
“ You ’ll easily judge , ” he repeatedrepeat: “ YOU will . ”