in oil prices to below $ 90 a barrel is so far modest compared with the 1980s slumpMovement.down.lossthat took crude from $ 35 to below $ 10 , many observers see similarities in a global market that is on the brink of a pivotal turn from an era of scarcity to one of abundance .
Gasoline inventories sankMovement.down.lossby 2.2 million barrels last week , less than the 558,000 draw analysts were looking for , while distillates -- including diesel -- were downMovement.down.loss1.63 m barrel , deeper than the 1.9-million-barrel slideMovement.down.lossexpected .
Riyadh this time wants to preempt a price slideMovement.down.losswithout sacrificing production levels or market share .
LONDON ( Reuters ) - European use for diesel is expected to have hit hardMovement.down.lossin the fourth quarter of 2018 for the first quarterly slideMovement.down.lossin 14 months , the International Energy Agency reported on Thursday , the latest sign of slowingSlow.weakin the fuel market .
`` We think that OPEC may not react at all until futures slideMovement.down.lossbelow the $ 18 per barrel . ''
On Tuesday , the American Petroleum Institute said oil supplies slippedMovement.down.lossby 5.087 million barrels in 1975 , compared to expectations for a slideMovement.down.lossof 2.100 million barrels .
On the production side , the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries ( OPEC ) and its allies including Canada , known as OPEC + , recommended a further cutbackCause.movement.down.lossof 1.8 million barrels a day ( bpd ) the end of 2018 to stem the oil price slideMovement.down.loss.