and was very nearly impeached . Yet the Clintons pulled together , and ultimately survived this debacle . They have fought off challenges after challenges for years that would have tanked a family with less steel in their backbones .
ADVERTISEMENT " For weeks Republicans have said they trusted FBI Director Comey to lead an independent review into Secretary Clinton 's emails , but now they are second - guessing his judgement because his findings do not align with their conspiracy theories , " Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon said in a statement House Oversight and Government Reform Chairman Jason Chaffetz Jason ChaffetzThe Hill 's 12:30 Report Chaffetz : Trump administration ' almost worse ' than Obama 's on transparency Utah GOP narrows field for Chaffetz seat MORE ( R - Utah ) has called Comey to testifyjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.trialhearingbefore his panel on Thursday , saying , " Individuals who intentionally skirt the law must be held accountable . " The GOP - led House Judiciary Committee also said that Attorney General Loretta Lynch had agreed to testify about the Clinton probe before the committee next Tuesday . Comey announced on Tuesday that while Clinton and her aides were " extremely careless " in handling classified data , the FBI would not recommend charges against her over her .
— ELSEWHERE ON DEFENSE SPENDING : Another amendment to the defense bill would add $ 5 million to a scholarship program for military cyber personnel . The amendment , from Rep. Pete Aguilar , would bolster the Information Assurance Scholarship Program , which is seen as an important part of the military ’s effort to retain highly skilled cyber warriors who often leave the government to pursue higher - paying jobs in the private sector . CIA CHIEF OUT IN THE OPEN — CIA Director John Brennan is set to testifyjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.trialhearingduring an open hearing of the Senate Intelligence Committee today . In his brief testimony , the nation ’s top spy walks lawmakers through a range of threats including “ the cyber domain , where states and sub - national actors are threatening financial systems , transportation networks , and organizations of every stripe , inside government and out . ” He pays special heed to ISIL ’s “ expansive propaganda machine , ” including online where the group “ primarily uses Twitter , Telegram , and Tumblr , and it relies on a global network of sympathizers to further spread its messages . ” GOT SIX BUCKS ?
Marco Rubio Marco RubioOvernight Finance : Ryan seeks manufacturing muscle for tax reform | Warren targets Wells Fargo board | Senators raise concerns over Russian takeover of Citgo | Pelosi hits GOP for budget delays Senators ask administration to probe possible Russian takeover of Citgo Week ahead : Obama DHS chief to testifyjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.trialhearingon Russian meddling MORE on Friday argued the Republican Party will " split apart " if Donald Trump Donald TrumpLewandowski near ' high six - figure book deal ' : report GOP fires opening attack on Dem reportedly running for Heller 's Senate seat Overnight Tech : Trump seeks tech 's help for ' sweeping ' IT overhaul | FTC looks to block sports fantasy merger | Firm exposes nearly 200 M voters ' data MORE wins the GOP nomination . “ He ’s not going to be the nominee , " Rubio told reporters before a rally in Oklahoma , while acknowledging Trump 's status as the front - runner in the race . ADVERTISEMENT " The Republican Parry would be split apart if he became the nominee , because we can not allow the party of Reagan to be taken over by a con man , " Rubio said .
Sen. Marco Rubio Marco RubioOvernight Finance : Ryan seeks manufacturing muscle for tax reform | Warren targets Wells Fargo board | Senators raise concerns over Russian takeover of Citgo | Pelosi hits GOP for budget delays Senators ask administration to probe possible Russian takeover of Citgo Week ahead : Obama DHS chief to testifyjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.naon Russian meddling MORE ( R - Fla . ) said he will not discuss any leaked documents published by WikiLeaks and is calling on the rest of his party to ignore them as well . ADVERTISEMENT " As our intelligence agencies have said , these leaks are an effort by a foreign government to interfere with our electoral process and I will not indulge it , ” Rubio told ABC News
“ The increasing trend of contractors violating the law comes as no surprise , ” said Craig Holman of Public Citizen , an advocacy group that was involved in a high - profile case regarding the ban . In addition to the donations to Priorities USA , The Hill found 14 federal contractors that had contributed a total of $ 173,250 to Right to Rise . Two had also given to Conservative Solutions PAC , a group that supported Sen. Marco Rubio Marco RubioOvernight Finance : Ryan seeks manufacturing muscle for tax reform | Warren targets Wells Fargo board | Senators raise concerns over Russian takeover of Citgo | Pelosi hits GOP for budget delays Senators ask administration to probe possible Russian takeover of Citgo Week ahead : Obama DHS chief to testifyjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.naon Russian meddling MORE ’s ( R - Fla . ) bid for president . One contractor , a Florida utility named Gulf Power Co. , gave $ 44,000 to Right to Rise in March 2015 . At the time , the company held more than $ 1 million in contracts with the Department of Defense .
“ [ Trump ’s ] coddling of repugnant bigotry is not in the character of America , ” Romney added . Duke urged listeners on his radio show last week to vote for Trump , arguing that supporting Sens . Marco Rubio Marco RubioOvernight Finance : Ryan seeks manufacturing muscle for tax reform | Warren targets Wells Fargo board | Senators raise concerns over Russian takeover of Citgo | Pelosi hits GOP for budget delays Senators ask administration to probe possible Russian takeover of Citgo Week ahead : Obama DHS chief to testifyjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.trialhearingon Russian meddling MORE ( R - Fla . ) or Ted Cruz Ted CruzAccess to palliative care needs to stay in new health bill Dems step up attacks on GOP ObamaCare bill Overnight Finance : Ryan seeks manufacturing muscle for tax reform | Warren targets Wells Fargo board | Senators raise concerns over Russian takeover of Citgo | Pelosi hits GOP for budget delays MORE ( R - Texas ) instead would be “ treason to your heritage . ” Trump evaded questions about Duke ’s support during a Sunday interview with CNN , saying he does n't fully understand the positions of the former KKK grand wizard . “ I do n’t know anything about David Duke , ” he told anchor Jake Tapper on “ State of the Union . ” “ I do n’t know anything about what you ’re talking about with white supremacy or white supremacists .
“ It ’s child ’s play between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump , but we did n’t see that in 2012 , ” she added , noting that Obama had a much stronger connection with young voters than either candidate does . Pitchford said that while she ’s undecided , in the end , she ’ll likely vote for Clinton , arguing that she does n’t believe a country can be run like a business . Thomas Riordan , an 18-year - old freshman from Virginia Beach , said that while he voted for Marco Rubio Marco RubioOvernight Finance : Ryan seeks manufacturing muscle for tax reform | Warren targets Wells Fargo board | Senators raise concerns over Russian takeover of Citgo | Pelosi hits GOP for budget delays Senators ask administration to probe possible Russian takeover of Citgo Week ahead : Obama DHS chief to testifyjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.trialhearingon Russian meddling MORE in the primary , he believes he ’ll end up in Clinton ’s corner too because she ’s a “ better alternative than Trump . ’ But for Emily Neighbors , a 20-year - old junior from Verona , Va. , she ’s still not ready to commit despite backing Ben Carson in the primary . “ I know I ’m not voting for Hillary .
The frightening reality for the GOP is that the freight train that is Donald Trump was fueled by a large faction of self - identifying Republican voters that like Trump not only for his ideas , but for his advertised ability to somehow just make them all happen — ostensibly by fiat . It is worth asking , at least rhetorically : If the Republicans had a robust superdelegate system and a largely proportional awarding of delegates , like the Democrats , would Donald Trump be the Republicans ’ nominee at this juncture of the election cycle ? Would the fate of someone like Ted Cruz Ted CruzAccess to palliative care needs to stay in new health bill Dems step up attacks on GOP ObamaCare bill Overnight Finance : Ryan seeks manufacturing muscle for tax reform | Warren targets Wells Fargo board | Senators raise concerns over Russian takeover of Citgo | Pelosi hits GOP for budget delays MORE or John Kasich , or perhaps even Marco Rubio Marco RubioOvernight Finance : Ryan seeks manufacturing muscle for tax reform | Warren targets Wells Fargo board | Senators raise concerns over Russian takeover of Citgo | Pelosi hits GOP for budget delays Senators ask administration to probe possible Russian takeover of Citgo Week ahead : Obama DHS chief to testifyjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.trialhearingon Russian meddling MORE or Jeb Bush have been different ? When arguing over “ how democratic ” the parties ’ nominating processes are , and should be , it is always instructive to remember that the Framers feared direct democracy every bit as much as they did monarchical tyranny . They feared concentrations of power that would lead to “ quick ” or “ easy ” answers to complex and contested issues , whether bottom up or top down .
The poll was conducted Aug. 19–22 and surveyed 1,200 likely voters . The margin of error is 2.7 percentage points . In the Florida Senate race , Republican Sen. Marco Rubio Marco RubioOvernight Finance : Ryan seeks manufacturing muscle for tax reform | Warren targets Wells Fargo board | Senators raise concerns over Russian takeover of Citgo | Pelosi hits GOP for budget delays Senators ask administration to probe possible Russian takeover of Citgo Week ahead : Obama DHS chief to testifyjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.naon Russian meddling MORE is leading his likely Democratic opponent , Rep. Patrick Murphy , by 5 points , 44 percent to 39 percent . Both candidates are leading in their respective primaries , which will be held next Tuesday . The race for a crucial Senate seat could be pivotal in determining which party gains control of the upper chamber next year .
Moreover , the focus on the Republican governor by prosecutors as well as the defense could undercut the case against his two former aides . Gov. Cuomo ’s name has also come up , and there are reports that both he and Christie , as the officials ultimately responsible for the Port Authority , might be called to And you thought only Russia had show trials . Rocky mountain ‘ high ’ lobbying
Trump and Clinton were tied at 48 percent in a similar sampling last September , CNN / ORC reported . Sanders , meanwhile , has slipped from his best showing , last July , when he was ahead 59 percent to 38 percent . Clinton is the underdog against the other GOP hopefuls , Marco Rubio Marco RubioOvernight Finance : Ryan seeks manufacturing muscle for tax reform | Warren targets Wells Fargo board | Senators raise concerns over Russian takeover of Citgo | Pelosi hits GOP for budget delays Senators ask administration to probe possible Russian takeover of Citgo Week ahead : Obama DHS chief to testifyjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.trialhearingon Russian meddling MORE and Ted Cruz Ted CruzAccess to palliative care needs to stay in new health bill Dems step up attacks on GOP ObamaCare bill Overnight Finance : Ryan seeks manufacturing muscle for tax reform | Warren targets Wells Fargo board | Senators raise concerns over Russian takeover of Citgo | Pelosi hits GOP for budget delays MORE , in other theoretical pairings in the new poll . Rubio tops Clinton , 50 percent to 47 percent ; Cruz edges past her , 49 percent to 48 percent . Sanders fares more favorably against them , however .
Republican presidential front - runner Donald Trump Donald TrumpLewandowski near ' high six - figure book deal ' : report GOP fires opening attack on Dem reportedly running for Heller 's Senate seat Overnight Tech : Trump seeks tech 's help for ' sweeping ' IT overhaul | FTC looks to block sports fantasy merger | Firm exposes nearly 200 M voters ' data MORE leads rival Marco Rubio Marco RubioOvernight Finance : Ryan seeks manufacturing muscle for tax reform | Warren targets Wells Fargo board | Senators raise concerns over Russian takeover of Citgo | Pelosi hits GOP for budget delays Senators ask administration to probe possible Russian takeover of Citgo Week ahead : Obama DHS chief to testifyjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.trialhearingon Russian meddling MORE in the senator 's home state of Florida by 20 points , according to a News 13 / Bay News 9 poll released Tuesday . ADVERTISEMENT Trump takes 42 percent of the vote , with Rubio receiving 22 percent , according to the statewide poll .
Congressman Gosset represented Amarillo , Texas , in the House of Representatives . Congressman Gosset was alarmed that the Senate Armed Services Committee the day before confirmed the appointment of Anna M. Rosenberg as Assistant Secretary of Defense without a public hearing . The only witness who appeared to testifyjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.trialhearingconcerning Anna Rosenberg 's fitness to serve as Assistant Secretary of Defense was Ann Rosenberg herself . That by itself aroused suspicion among the country 's leaders . Congress Gosset took this author to Senator Johnson 's office and explained to him the reason for the visit .
Donnie Wahlberg endorsed Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio Marco RubioOvernight Finance : Ryan seeks manufacturing muscle for tax reform | Warren targets Wells Fargo board | Senators raise concerns over Russian takeover of Citgo | Pelosi hits GOP for budget delays Senators ask administration to probe possible Russian takeover of Citgo Week ahead : Obama DHS chief to testifyjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.naon Russian meddling MORE , his campaign announced Sunday . Wahlberg , a Massachusetts - born singer and actor , said in his endorsement the country needs a leader like the Florida senator . ADVERTISEMENT
Over the last year , the presumptive presidential nominee has feuded with his party 's last two standard - bearers , John McCain John McCainGOP defense spending battle delays Republican budget Otto Warmbier , US student held in North Korea for 17 months , dies What the next round of American military base closures will look like MORE and Mitt Romney . Neither is expected to campaign for him . Trump has also feuded with the Bush family and GOP stars Ted Cruz Ted CruzAccess to palliative care needs to stay in new health bill Dems step up attacks on GOP ObamaCare bill Overnight Finance : Ryan seeks manufacturing muscle for tax reform | Warren targets Wells Fargo board | Senators raise concerns over Russian takeover of Citgo | Pelosi hits GOP for budget delays MORE and Marco Rubio Marco RubioOvernight Finance : Ryan seeks manufacturing muscle for tax reform | Warren targets Wells Fargo board | Senators raise concerns over Russian takeover of Citgo | Pelosi hits GOP for budget delays Senators ask administration to probe possible Russian takeover of Citgo Week ahead : Obama DHS chief to testifyjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.trialhearingon Russian meddling MORE , both of whom he defeated in the primary . Clinton campaign spokesman Jesse Ferguson took to Twitter on Thursday to highlight the expected lack of support for Trump from former Presidents George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush .
The revelations have forced Republicans into a bind : Staying with Trump could turn of swing voters angered by his comments from the video , but breaking with him would likely dampen turnout by the party 's base . More than two - dozen lawmakers , including Senate GOP Conference Chair John Thune John ThuneThis week : Senate plots path on healthcare ObamaCare : Six key parts of the Senate bill Overnight Finance : Fed raises rates for second time in 2017 | GOP weighs keeping ObamaCare taxes | Tax reform becomes Wall Street obsession MORE ( S.D ) , have called on Trump to step aside . Vulnerable senators like Rob Portman Rob PortmanFeehery : Returning to civility Otto Warmbier , US student held in North Korea for 17 months , dies These GOP senators need to stand up to their party on healthcare MORE ( Ohio ) , John McCain John McCainGOP defense spending battle delays Republican budget Otto Warmbier , US student held in North Korea for 17 months , dies What the next round of American military base closures will look like MORE ( Ariz. ) and Kelly Ayotte Kelly AyotteKelly Ayotte joins defense contractor 's board of directors Week ahead : Comey firing dominates Washington GOP senators pitch Merrick Garland for FBI director MORE ( N.H. ) have withdrawn their support , but others in tight races — including Pat Toomey ( Pa. ) , Marco Rubio Marco RubioOvernight Finance : Ryan seeks manufacturing muscle for tax reform | Warren targets Wells Fargo board | Senators raise concerns over Russian takeover of Citgo | Pelosi hits GOP for budget delays Senators ask administration to probe possible Russian takeover of Citgo Week ahead : Obama DHS chief to testifyjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.trialhearingon Russian meddling MORE ( Fla. ) and Richard Burr Richard BurrSenate GOP shifts focus to Lynch Senate Intel Committee to hold public hearing on election meddling Sessions sequel falls flat following Comey drama MORE ( N.C. ) — are staying the course . Speaker Paul Ryan Paul RyanRepublicans and the lost promise of local control in education Ryan seeks manufacturing muscle for tax push Overnight Finance : Ryan seeks manufacturing muscle for tax reform | Warren targets Wells Fargo board | Senators raise concerns over Russian takeover of Citgo | Pelosi hits GOP for budget delays MORE ( R - Wis . ) told his conference on a Monday morning conference call that he would no longer defend Trump and would solely focus on maintaining the House majority to ensure Hillary Clinton Hillary Rodham ClintonWhat do Democrats stand for ? THE MEMO : For Trump , danger signs in the polls McAuliffe touts buildup of cyber defenses in the states MORE does not have a " blank check " if elected .
Ventura added that his final decision on seeking the Oval Office depends on who wins each party ’s nomination . He said " the chances are better " that he would run if Hillary Clinton Hillary Rodham ClintonWhat do Democrats stand for ? THE MEMO : For Trump , danger signs in the polls McAuliffe touts buildup of cyber defenses in the states MORE is the Democratic nominee and Marco Rubio Marco RubioOvernight Finance : Ryan seeks manufacturing muscle for tax reform | Warren targets Wells Fargo board | Senators raise concerns over Russian takeover of Citgo | Pelosi hits GOP for budget delays Senators ask administration to probe possible Russian takeover of Citgo Week ahead : Obama DHS chief to testifyjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.naon Russian meddling MORE is her Republican counterpart . “ I do n’t want the revolution to die if Bernie gets beat , ” he added . Ventura was spotted at a Sanders campaign rally later Monday by a newspaper reporter who was told Ventura and Sanders had a private meeting planned .
Ventura added that his final decision on seeking the Oval Office depends on who wins each party ’s nomination . He said " the chances are better " that he would run if Hillary Clinton Hillary Rodham ClintonWhat do Democrats stand for ? THE MEMO : For Trump , danger signs in the polls McAuliffe touts buildup of cyber defenses in the states MORE is the Democratic nominee and Marco Rubio Marco RubioOvernight Finance : Ryan seeks manufacturing muscle for tax reform | Warren targets Wells Fargo board | Senators raise concerns over Russian takeover of Citgo | Pelosi hits GOP for budget delays Senators ask administration to probe possible Russian takeover of Citgo Week ahead : Obama DHS chief to testifyjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.trialhearingon Russian meddling MORE is her Republican counterpart . “ I do n’t want the revolution to die if Bernie gets beat , ” he added . Ventura was spotted at a Sanders campaign rally later Monday by a newspaper reporter who was told Ventura and Sanders had a private meeting planned .
Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump Donald TrumpRepublicans and the lost promise of local control in education Press : Worse than Nixon What do Democrats stand for ? MORE said it ’s possible he could ask his former rival for the nomination , Sen. Marco Rubio Marco RubioOvernight Finance : Ryan seeks manufacturing muscle for tax reform | Warren targets Wells Fargo board | Senators raise concerns over Russian takeover of Citgo | Pelosi hits GOP for budget delays Senators ask administration to probe possible Russian takeover of Citgo Week ahead : Obama DHS chief to testifyjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.naon Russian meddling MORE ( R - Fla . ) , to be his running mate . ADVERTISEMENT In an interview Thursday with Fox News ’ “ Special Report , ” Trump said he and Rubio have patched things up after the contentious campaign .
The Senate ’s bill would have provided about $ 1.1 billion , including about $ 350 million in new money and the rest coming from existing health accounts , such as a fund for fighting the Ebola virus . Earlier this summer , the Senate approved a different , bipartisan $ 1.1 billion funding package , though it was ultimately not taken up by the House because the funding was not offset . Both bills are shy of the White House ’s total $ 1.9 billion request , which Republicans from Florida — such as vulnerable incumbents Sen. Marco Rubio Marco RubioOvernight Finance : Ryan seeks manufacturing muscle for tax reform | Warren targets Wells Fargo board | Senators raise concerns over Russian takeover of Citgo | Pelosi hits GOP for budget delays Senators ask administration to probe possible Russian takeover of Citgo Week ahead : Obama DHS chief to testifyjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.trialhearingon Russian meddling MORE and Rep. Carlos Curbelo — have backed . Updated 8:08 p.m.
You are now subscribed to the Daily Digest and Cheat Sheet . We will not share your email with anyone for any reason . Greenwald maintained that he favored no party in the elections and had only come to New Zealand to testifyjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.trialhearingas a surveillance expert . For Assange the connection with Dotcom was not just about the shared ideology of two digital natives . Information was not the only thing the two of them were trying to free .
" As you know , investments over the years in U.S.-Israeli missile defense programs have saved the lives of countless civilians from indiscriminate rocket and missile attacks , " they wrote . Signatories so far include Republican Sens . Kirk , Marco Rubio Marco RubioOvernight Finance : Ryan seeks manufacturing muscle for tax reform | Warren targets Wells Fargo board | Senators raise concerns over Russian takeover of Citgo | Pelosi hits GOP for budget delays Senators ask administration to probe possible Russian takeover of Citgo Week ahead : Obama DHS chief to testifyjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.naon Russian meddling MORE ( Fla. ) , Kelly Ayotte Kelly AyotteKelly Ayotte joins defense contractor 's board of directors Week ahead : Comey firing dominates Washington GOP senators pitch Merrick Garland for FBI director MORE ( N.H. ) , David Vitter David VitterOvernight Energy : Trump set to propose sharp cuts to EPA , energy spending Former La. official tapped as lead offshore drilling regulator Former senator who crafted chemicals law to lobby for chemicals industry MORE ( La. ) , Cory Gardner Cory GardnerThese GOP senators need to stand up to their party on healthcare Trump having lunch with senators to talk healthcare McCain strikes back as Trump ’s chief critic MORE ( Colo. ) , Orrin Hatch Orrin HatchWeek ahead : Ryan to give ' major ' tax reform speech | Panel takes up flood insurance bill | Trump trade rep heads before Congress Senate GOP shifts focus to Lynch Sen. Hatch jokes he was behind Nickelback prank on Sen. Sasse MORE ( Utah ) , Roger F. Wicker ( Miss.
Plus 20 " closed " GOP primary states where only Republicans can vote — not a good playing field for The Donald , who does better among working - class Dems and independents . 10 . Sen. Marco Rubio Marco RubioOvernight Finance : Ryan seeks manufacturing muscle for tax reform | Warren targets Wells Fargo board | Senators raise concerns over Russian takeover of Citgo | Pelosi hits GOP for budget delays Senators ask administration to probe possible Russian takeover of Citgo Week ahead : Obama DHS chief to testifyjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.naon Russian meddling MORE ( Fla. ) just is n't getting it done . Thus Cruz will soon — again — be the main competition to Trump . 11 .
MORE from naming liberal justices to the Supreme Court . More than 20 Republicans interviewed by the Times described Trump as exhausted , frustrated , unwilling to accept advice and still confused by some points of the political process . Trump was reportedly upset that Sen. Marco Rubio Marco RubioOvernight Finance : Ryan seeks manufacturing muscle for tax reform | Warren targets Wells Fargo board | Senators raise concerns over Russian takeover of Citgo | Pelosi hits GOP for budget delays Senators ask administration to probe possible Russian takeover of Citgo Week ahead : Obama DHS chief to testifyjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.naon Russian meddling MORE ( R - Fla . ) said in his re - election announcement he would stand up to the next president regardless of party . And he was unhappy with Rep. Peter King ( R - N.Y. ) for criticizing him on TV after accepting donations with him in previous years . Jason Miller , a spokesman for Trump , refuted the claims of those interviewed , telling the Times that Trump is " very motivated " and " very focused . "