the Treasury and more than 110 senior public servants attended .
It was announced by Secretaryorganization.leadershipthe Navy Ray Mabus , on February 10 , 2012 , that the next U.S. Navy littoral combat ship would be named the .
The US Navy began their more aggressive pursuit of alternative fuels in 2009 , when Navy Secretaryorganization.leadershipMabus established their energy-conservation goals .
Rebecca M. Blank ( born September 19 , 1955 ) is the current chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Madison and former Acting United States Secretaryorganization.leadershipCommerce .
Petro Mykolayovych Symonenko ( ; born 1 August 1952 ) is a Ukrainian politician and the First Secretaryorganization.leadershipthe Central Committee of the Communist Party of Ukraine .
A few years later , with Walter White of the NAACP and First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt , Hurok was instrumental in persuading U.S . Secretaryorganization.leadershipthe Interior Harold L. Ickes to arrange Anderson 's Easter Sunday open-air concert on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on April 9 , 1939 .
As during the McCarthy era when it was accused of operating as a communist front group , and in 2003 when NLG attorney Lynne Stewart was convicted of conspiracy and providing material support to terrorists , sentenced to ten years in prison , and disbarred , for helping pass messages from prison for Omar Abdel-Rahman , her former client and mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombings , to his followers in al-Gama ' a al-Islamiyya , an organization designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the US Secretaryorganization.leadershipState , and for committing perjury .
In 2003 , a controversy arose around the conviction of NLG member attorney Lynne Stewart of conspiracy and providing material support to terrorists for helping pass messages from prison for Omar Abdel-Rahman , her client , an Egyptian cleric convicted of planning terror attacks , and the mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center bombings , to his followers in al-Gama ' a al-Islamiyya , an organization designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the US Secretaryorganization.leadershipState after it claimed responsibility for a 1997 attack killing 62 tourists in Luxor , Egypt .
She was convicted of helping pass messages from her client , Sheikh Omar Abdel-Rahman , an Egyptian cleric convicted of planning terror attacks , to his followers in al-Gama ' a al-Islamiyya , an organization designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization by the United States Secretaryorganization.leadershipState .
Formerly the Gateway International School , it was established in 1989 by prominent educationist R. I. T. Alles , former State Secretaryorganization.leadershipEducation and founder-principal of D.S . Senanayake College .
Former United States Department of Education Secretaryorganization.leadershipDuncan has stated , `` While such programs WGU are now the exception , I want them to be the norm . ''
In September 2013 , St. Francis Academy was one of 15 schools in New Jersey to be recognized by the United States Department of Education as part of the National Blue Ribbon Schools Program , an award called the `` most prestigious honor in the United States ' education system '' and which Education Secretaryorganization.leadershipDuncan described as honoring schools that `` represent examples of educational excellence '' .
In September 2013 , the academy was one of 15 schools in New Jersey to be recognized by the United States Department of Education as part of the National Blue Ribbon Schools Program , an award called the `` most prestigious honor in the United States ' education system '' and which Education Secretaryorganization.leadershipDuncan described as schools that `` represent examples of educational excellence '' .
In September 2013 , the school was one of 15 in New Jersey to be recognized by the United States Department of Education as part of the National Blue Ribbon Schools Program , an award called the `` most prestigious honor in the United States ' education system '' and which Education Secretaryorganization.leadershipDuncan described as honoring schools that `` represent examples of educational excellence '' .
In September 2013 , the school was one of 15 in New Jersey to be recognized by the United States Department of Education as part of the National Blue Ribbon Schools Program , an award called the `` most prestigious honor in the United States ' education system '' and which Education Secretaryorganization.leadershipDuncan described as schools that `` represent examples of educational excellence '' .
In September 2013 , the school was one of 15 schools in New Jersey to be recognized by the United States Department of Education as part of the National Blue Ribbon Schools Program , which Education Secretaryorganization.leadershipDuncan described as schools that `` represent examples of educational excellence '' .
In September 2013 , the St. Rose of Lima Academy was one of 15 schools in New Jersey to be recognized by the United States Department of Education as part of the National Blue Ribbon Schools Program , an award called the `` most prestigious honor in the United States ' education system '' and which Education Secretaryorganization.leadershipDuncan described as honoring schools that `` represent examples of educational excellence '' .
In September 2013 , the yeshiva was one of 15 schools in New Jersey to be recognized by the United States Department of Education as part of the National Blue Ribbon Schools Program , an award called the `` most prestigious honor in the United States ' education system '' and which Education Secretaryorganization.leadershipDuncan described as honoring schools that `` represent examples of educational excellence '' .