on the Web to a readable language , will move from U.S. control to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers , a multistakeholder body based in Los Angeles that includes countries such as China and Russia . Critics of the move , most prominently Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz , have pointed out the agency could be used by totalitarian governments to shut down the Web around the globe , either in whole or in part . " The proposal will significantly increase the power of foreign governments over the Internet , expand ICANN 's historical core mission by creating a gateway to content regulation , and embolden [ its ] leadership to act without any real accountability , " Cruz wrote in a letter sent to Commerce and signed by two fellow Republicans , Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma and Sen. Mike Lee of Utah .
Scripture teaches quite the opposite , where even Paul says , in Philippians 3 that even his good works , his zeal and his obedience to the law , were all in vain . It was all rubbish before God because his righteousness could only come from God . This point addressescontact.mediastatement.broadcastthe first two points of Scripture above . Trump is antichrist because he rejects what Christ stands for and who Christ is . Trump is antichrist for the same reason that Nancy Pelosi or Hillary Clinton is antichrist : Because if you reject the clear teaching of Scripture , then you are antichrist .
Drawing a contrast with hawkish Republicans , Trump said “ war and aggression will not be my first instinct ” and pledged to deploy combat forces only as a last resort . Trump spoke to an invited audience of conservative - leaning national security experts , as well as some prominent foreign policy writers . Trump ’s advisers cast Wednesday ’s speech as the first in a series of policy addressescontact.mediastatement.naaimed at calming the nerves of Americans who worry the businessman does n’t have the experience to handle the range of responsibilities that land on a president ’s desk . A speech on trade is expected soon . The Associated Press ’ Jill Colvin and Julie Pace wrote this report .