of the presencepresenceof a masked figure which had arrested the attention of no single individual before .
It was n't till after he had spokenspeakthat he became awareawareof how much there had been in him of response ; when the tone of her own rejoinderrejoinder, as well as the playplayof something more in her face -- something more , that is , than its apparently usual restless light -- seemed to notify him .
The next he knew , he was dimly awareawarethat his tongue was hurting and that he was being joltedjoltalong in some kind of a conveyance .
On the contrary , a painful heavinessheavinesspossessed him when he became awareawarehow little real sorrow was in his mind , and how small an actual losslosswas this losslossof his wife , which bulked before the world as an eventeventof just as much magnitude as the lossloss, for example , which poor Mr Lake , the drawing-master , was at the same moment suffering .