officer , and his own Big Machine Records label originally shared much of its staff .
Gerardo C. Ablaza , Jr. is a Filipino business executive and president and chieforganization.leadershipofficer of Manila Water Company , the water utility subsidiary of Ayala Corporation .
Dan Lyons is the chieforganization.leadershipofficer of the Centre for Animals and Social Justice , a British animal protection charity .
The new stadium was designed by EwingCole 's Stanley Cole , who was the stadium 's chieforganization.leadership.
Joy Covey ( April 25 , 1963 September 18 , 2013 ) was an American business executive , best known as Amazon 's first chieforganization.leadershipofficer .
Another key aide , Spelman College alumna Kristen Jarvis , served from 2008 until 2015 , when she left to become chieforganization.leadershipstaff to the Ford Foundation president Darren Walker .
On occasional instances , the CRO can oust the chieforganization.leadershipofficer ( CEO ) or President of the company , as happened in 2012 when Gregory F. Rayburn replaced Hostess Brands CEO Brian Driscoll as CEO a month after being appointed CRO .
Martin `` Marty '' Nesbitt is a U. S. businessman who is the founder and chieforganization.leadershipofficer of The Parking Spot , a Chicago-based airport parking company .
Anthony Rushton ( born 3 November 1971 ) is a British tech entrepreneur and the co-founder and chieforganization.leadershipofficer of Telemetry , an online video advertising security and optimisation firm .