has rekindled speculation that the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries ( OPEC ) may need to squeezeCause.movement.down.lossoutput for the first time in six years when it meets next month , some analysts are looking much further ahead .
-LRB- Reuters -RRB- - Goldman Sachs -LRB- NYSE : GS -RRB- cutCause.movement.down.lossits second - and third-quarter Brent price forecasts to $ 30 per barrel , citing the oil price wartrade.financial.tensionbetween Russia and Saudi Arabia and a significant collapseMovement.down.lossin oil demand due to the coronavirus that has killed more than 3,500 globally .
Riyadh this time wants to preempt a price collapseMovement.down.losswithout sacrificing production levels or market share .
While the collapseMovement.down.losshas rekindled speculation that the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries ( OPEC ) may need to squeezeCause.movement.down.losssupply for the first time in six years when it meets next month , some analysts are looking much further ahead .
`` Assuming we have a more than 40 % collapseMovement.down.loss( in oil futures ) , it 's likely to be an additional 0.8 percent ( in economic growth ) for most advanced economies , because all of them are importers of oil , '' Lagarde said , mentioning the United States , Europe , Japan and China in particular .
Yet oil prices held resolutely above $ 100 a barrel , with each potential collapseMovement.down.losseventually thwarted .
LONDON ( Reuters ) - Russian use for diesel is expected to have hit hardMovement.down.lossin 2015 for the first quarterly collapseMovement.down.lossin nearly two years , the International Energy Agency reported on Thursday , the latest sign of weaknessSlow.weakin the fuel market .
The collapseMovement.down.lossin fuel oil and vacuum gasoil exports is a double blow for some European refineries , which use these products as feedstock when crude futures riseMovement.up.gain.
Oil also drew support from expectations of a collapseMovement.down.lossin U.S. crude inventories , signaling healthy consumption as the summer driving season gets under way .
Gasoline inventories crashedMovement.down.lossby 2.2 million barrels during the week , less than the 558,000 draw analysts were looking for , while distillates -- including diesel -- were downMovement.down.loss2.4 m barrels , deeper than the 1.9-million-barrel collapseMovement.down.lossexpected .