by payments company Fallible , exposed names , email addresses , phone numbers , home addresses and sometimes the coordinates of those homes , as well as links to social media profiles . And Fallible contends that the leakAttack.Databreachstill has n't been properly fixed . I queried McDonald 's to see if it has tried to sealVulnerability-related.PatchVulnerabilitythe hole in the API and also whether it has notified customers or regulators , but I did n't get an immediate response . In a March 19 tweet , McDonald 's did n't issue any clear answers , instead taking the well-trodden path of seeking to reassure users by highlighting what was not breachedAttack.Databreach. McDonald 's has dabbled in home delivery in many countries since the early 1990s , attracting budget diners willing to risk the short half-life of its sandwiches and fries versus the vagaries of home delivery . Fallible says it contacted McDonald 's India on Feb 7 , letting the fast-food chain know it could sequentially pullAttack.Databreachuser information from the API using a curl request . `` An unprotected publicly accessible API endpoint for getting user details coupled with serially enumerable integers as customer IDs can be used to obtain accessAttack.Databreachto all users personal information , '' Fallible writes in a blog post . But the issue appeared to remain unfixedVulnerability-related.PatchVulnerability, so Fallible says McDonald 's another email on March 7 asking for a status update . Ten days later , it sent another email and received no response . Fallible chose to go public with the issue in a March 18 blog postVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerability, prompting a public acknowledgement from McDonald 's on Twitter the next day . Fallible contendsVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilitythe issue hasn't been fixedVulnerability-related.PatchVulnerability, and it 's unclear from McDonald 's tweet if it was . India does n't have a specific law that requires mandatory reporting of data breachesAttack.Databreach. But there are regulations and laws that cover the disclosure of personal information .