at the town late the previous evening , he had been drivendriveup from the steamboat in a carriage , from which he had been able to distinguishdistinguishonly the shadowy outlines of the houses along the street ; so that this morning walkwalkwas his first opportunity to see the town by daylight .
It would not be proper , for some reasons , to trouble the reader with the particulars of our adventures in those seas ; let it suffice to informinformhim , that in our passagepassagefrom thence to the East Indies , we were drivendriveby a violent stormstormto the north-west of Van Diemen ’s Land .
On the 5th of November , which was the beginning of summer in those parts , the weather being very hazy , the seamen spiedspya rock within half a cable ’s length of the ship ; but the windwindwas so strong , that we were drivendrivedirectly upon it , and immediately splitsplit.
Then at the door of the castle the rector had shakenshakehands with his father and mother , his soutane flutteringflutterin the breezebreeze, and the car had drivendriveoff with his father and mother on it .
The market carts were goinggothrough the gates ; there was one laden with casks , and drivendriveby an old man , with a boy beside him .
CHAPTER I Chiswick Mall While the present century was in its teens , and on one sunshiny morning in June , there drovedriveup to the great iron gate of Miss Pinkerton 's academy for young ladies , on Chiswick Mall , a large family coach , with two fat horses in blazing harness , drivendriveby a fat coachman in a three-cornered hat and wig , at the rate of four miles an hour .