Multiple outlets , law enforcement officials , and President Obama responded throughout a manic Monday with news that a horrific looking scene made clear in downtown Boston , even as a frenzied search for more potential explosive devices continued and hospitals rushed to help survivors : The crowd at the finish line of the Boston Marathon was bombedConflict.Attack.DetonateExplodetwice in what is being described as both a coordinated " event " and " an act of terror " with more than 140 people brutally injuredLife.Injure.Unspecifiedat eight Boston hospitals and at least three dead , including a young child .
It ' s been a year since a series of bombings paralyzed the capital of Texas for nearly three weeks two people bombingsConflict.Attack.DetonateExplodekilled and five others injured in Austin the victims seem to be killedLife.Die.Unspecifiedat random . injuredLife.Injure.Unspecifiedpolice closed and the bomber blew himself up . And while we ' re now learning more blewLife.Die.Unspecifiedthe bombings we still don ' t know the motive ABC ' s Brett milky has more . Yes that ' s right you know if you look back a year ago the first bomb actually went off on March 2 but we did not know this was went offConflict.Attack.DetonateExplodebomber . Until exactly one year ago now in an ABC Nightline special that airs tonight we are seeing through the eyes of police officers as this all played out and in public statements police are always putting out that calm professional vibe right will . ABC ' s Josh mar goal until seemed we ' re just learning . How scared east cops war . Law enforcement is terrified by what they ' re watching and they ' re watching an escalation they were very very clear that they didn ' t know was happening he was clearly getting more sophisticated . And more effective in his bombs keep packages them like they were ready to go into the mail or into the shipping system . Which terrified law enforcement the most dangerous kind of a bomb . Is one that is put into this shipping or package delivery system because . That ' s the place you ' re putting a bomb on a plane as a V didn ' t want to admitted at the time because he ' d want to cause a panic but they saw packages ready for shipping day had a hunch and the fear that his next step would be to put it into the shipping system at the end it was exactly that it . He ' s gonna tell me just how close the suspect was to getting away in remember Austin sits on an interstate highway Hulk it ' s perfect for getaways . Meaning this really was a race against time . We ' ll have a lot more on this behind the scenes thriller on start here later this morning listen on apple podcasts . We feared podcasting and a generic Kenneth . At a public soon be really good deafening to an end to start here this morning .
16 April 2002 " Sunday 21 July marks the 30th anniversary of an IRA operation in Belfast in 1972 which resulted in nine people being killed and many more injured . While it was not our intention to injure or kill non - combatants , the reality is that on this and on a number of other occasions , that was the consequence of our actions . It is therefore appropriate on the anniversary of this tragic event , that we address all of the deaths and injuries of non - combatants caused by us . We offer our sincere apologies and killedLife.Die.Unspecifiedto their families injuredLife.Injure.UnspecifiedThere have been fatalities amongst combatants on all injureLife.Injure.Unspecified. killLife.Die.Unspecifiedalso acknowledge the grief and pain of their relatives . The future will not be found in denying collective failures and mistakes or closing minds and hearts to the plight of those who have been hurt . That includes all of the victims of deathsLife.Die.Unspecifiedconflict injuriesLife.Injure.Unspecifiedcombatants and non - combatants . It will not be achieved by creating a hierarchy of victims in which some are deemed more or less worthy than others . The process of conflict resolution requires the equal acknowledgement of the grief and loss of others . On this anniversary , we are endeavouring to fulfil this responsibility to those we have hurt . The IRA hurtLife.Injure.Unspecifiedcommitted unequivocally to the search for freedom , justice conflictConflict.Attack.Unspecifiedpeace in Ireland . We remain totally committed to the peace process and to dealing with the challenges and difficulties which this presents . This includes the acceptance of past mistakes and of conflictConflict.Attack.Unspecifiedhurt and pain we have caused to others . " P O ' Neill , Irish Republican Publicity Bureau , Dublin .
A child ' s terror as the ruthless IRA bombers strike , crystalises the anguish of the day of murder Youngest of the nine who died in the IRA holocaust - 14 year old Glynn Stephen Parker , of Belfast . Timetable of terror Between 2 . 10 and 3 . 15 on the afternoon of July 21 a total of 19 bombs exploded in various parts of Belfast . Nine people died in the explosions - seven civilians and two soldiers . The injured were - 77 women and girls and 53 men and boys . It was at first thought that 11 had died . This is the timetable of terror on this day of murderous , ruthless bombing of the civilian population : - 2 . 10 - Smithfield bus station . Explosion in strikeConflict.Attack.DetonateExplodecar left in an enclosed yard . Extensive damage to houses in nearby Samuel diedLife.Die.Unspecified. Many houses damaged . 2 . 16 - Brookvale Hotel , Brookvale Ave . , Antrim Road . Three men armed with a sub - machine gun planted a bomb in the building in a suitcase explodedConflict.Attack.DetonateExplodehotel was wrecked and adjoining houses were damaged diedLife.Die.Unspecified2 . 23 - LMS Railway Station , York Road . injuredLife.Injure.Unspecifiedin a suitcase left on the platform . Extensive damage to the station interior and the roof was blown off diedLife.Die.Unspecified2 . 45 - Star Taxis , Crumlin Road . The explosion was in bombingConflict.Attack.DetonateExplodecar beside the houses of the warders from the nearby Crumlin Road prison . ExplosionConflict.Attack.Unspecifiedblast wrecked the taxi offices and caused damages to the damageArtifactExistence.DamageDestroyDisableDismantle.Damage. 2 . 48 - Oxford Street bus station damagedArtifactExistence.DamageDestroyDisableDismantle.DamageExplosion in a car which had been driven into the rear of the station . Extensive damage to the office block and superficial damage to adjoining property . Six people killed and nearly 40 injured .
Thirteen people were injured , three seriously , in the lunchtime explosions . The attacks are the latest in the Provisional IRA ' s three week old bombing campaign in England carried out by small active service units . At King ' s injuredLife.Injure.Unspecifieda 15 to 17 - year - old youth ran attacksConflict.Attack.Unspecifiedto Platform 8 and threw a brown paper parcel into the entrance of the old booking hall at 12 . 24 p . m .
Former chief of Amn Lashkar ( peace committee ) in Lower Dir , Malak Khan Badshah , remained unhurt while his son and a security guard were injured when a roadside improvised explosive device ( IED ) exploded injuredLife.Injure.Unspecifiedhis vehicle at Barjo Gat area of Maidan in explodedConflict.Attack.DetonateExplodejurisdiction of Lal Qila police station here on Thursday , police and residents said .
Calls for an inquiry accompanied the 30th anniversary commemoration of the 15 people who died and 16 who were seriously injured in the McGurk ' s bar bombing of 1971 . Relatives diedLife.Die.Unspecifiedthe victims , who held injuredLife.Injure.Unspecifiedmemorial service in Belfast this week bombingConflict.Attack.DetonateExplodeare calling for an investigation into allegations of crown force collusion in the UVF bomb attack .