on June 14 , 2014 and chose Mario Beaulieu as leader .
However , all authors agree that Subhas Chandra Bose 's charismatic leadershiporganization.leadershippersona was probably also amongst the most significant factors that drew the recruits of the second INA and was key in transforming it into a cohesive fighting force .
He was a member of the Treasury Select Committee from 2004 until he was briefly , in 2005 , a spokesman on work and pensions under the leadershiporganization.leadershipMichael Howard , but returned to the backbenches later in the year when David Cameron became Conservative leader .
In April 2012 he was picked to take over the leadershiporganization.leadershipthe company as the President , when then President Scott Thompson left PayPal to join Yahoo .
This reorganization left Marissa Mayer without a comparable leadershiporganization.leadership, instead placing her as a report to her `` peer '' Huber ; Mayer departed Google thereafter , to became the CEO of Yahoo ! in July 2012 .
The institute came to prominence under the leadershiporganization.leadershipLarry P. Arnn , who was its president from 1985 until 2000 , when he became the twelfth president of Hillsdale College .
In September 2009 , he joined the United Kingdom Independence Party ( UKIP ) and immediately announced he was a candidate in their leadershiporganization.leadershipto succeed Nigel Farage .
In September 2009 , Nigel Farage resigned his leadershiporganization.leadershipthe UK Independence Party to stand for Bercow 's Buckingham seat , asserting , `` This man represents all that is wrong with British politics today .
On February 9 , 2012 , Mukhtar Abu al-Zubair 'Godane ' announced in a fifteen-minute video message that Al-Shabaab would be joining the militant Islamist organization al-Qaeda , under the leadershiporganization.leadershipAyman al-Zawahiri .
Four Israeli F-16s flew over the Latakia residence of Bashar Assad , President of Syria , in a symbolic move linked by the IDF Spokesperson 's Office to Israel 's view of the Syrian leadershiporganization.leadershipa sponsor of terrorism , and the presence in Syria of Hamas leader Khaled Mashal .
However , the captors , who operated under the orders of Khaled Mashal and the Hamas military leadershiporganization.leadershiprefused to release him .
The 2015 Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario leadershiporganization.leadershipwas held on May 9 , 2015 , as a result of the resignation of Ontario Progressive Conservative leader Tim Hudak following the provincial election on June 12 , 2014 , his second loss in a row as party leader .
In October 2015 , he lost the Social Democratic Party leadershiporganization.leadershipLiviu Dragnea amid a tax fraud scandal , and became the country 's first sitting premier to stand trial for corruption .
One group led by moderate members under Oleksandr Moroz formed the Socialist Party of Ukraine ( SPU ) out of most of the former members , a group of agrarians led by Serhiy Dovhan and Oleksandr Tkachenko formed the Peasant Party of Ukraine ( SelPU ) , another group the Communist Party of Ukraine was re-created in 1993 in Donetsk under the leadershiporganization.leadershipPetro Symonenko when the ban was lifted , the remaining members either changed political direction , or created their own parties of the left orientation such as the Vitrenko bloc , Social-Democratic ( United ) party , and others .
He later strenuously opposed Omar Abdel-Rahman 's leadershiporganization.leadershipal-Gama ' a al-Islamiyya with other jihadist groups following the assassination of Anwar Sadat .
Since he took over leadershiporganization.leadershipthe Lega Nord party in December 2013 , he has `` all but ditched Umberto Bossi 's ( never very convincing ) Northern separatism '' and shifted its focus to causes aligned with the European nationalism , represented by Marine Le Pen ’ s National Front of France such as being against illegal immigration and the euro .
The Regents formally approved UCR ’ s medical school proposal in November 2006 , but Chancellor Cordova 's subsequent resignation to assume the leadershiporganization.leadershipPurdue University lead to a temporary suspension of the search for the med school dean until a search for a new chancellor could be completed .
Outgoing Texas Comptroller Susan Combs and `` Texas Monthly '' magazine cited him for `` outstanding leadershiporganization.leadershipamong freshman House members .
The Aspen Institute , under the leadershiporganization.leadershipWalter Isaacson , developed the Aspen Ideas Festival to gather individuals from various backgrounds and fields of expertise for discussions about global and social issues and innovative ideas .
Delta Force has formed the core of the special strike unit which has been hunting High Value Target ( HVT ) individuals like Osama Bin Laden and other key al-Qaeda and Taliban leadershiporganization.leadershipOctober 2001 , the beginning of Operation Enduring Freedom .
It was a combined U.S. and British military special forces provisional grouping specifically charged with hunting down high-value al-Qaeda and Iraqi leadershiporganization.leadershipOsama bin Laden and , prior to his death on 7 June 2006 , Al-Qaeda in Iraq leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi .
Other senior international officials , however , maintain that senior Al Qaeda leaders such as Osama Bin Laden have been hidden by the ISI in major settled areas of Pakistan with the full knowledge of the Pakistani military leadershiporganization.leadership
The SWM used to call for a vote for Sinn Féin in Northern Ireland up until its party conference of 1995 , when it was argued that the Adams/McGuinness leadershiporganization.leadershipSinn Féin were moving to an accommodation with imperialism .