by his marriagemarriage, on the ground that my mother was ‘ a wax doll ’ .
A large debt of gratitude was owing here ; but the intercourse of the last seven years , the equal footing and perfect unreserve which had soon followed Isabella 's marriagemarriage, on their being left to each other , was yet a dearer , tenderer recollection .
His unhappy marriagemarriage, immediately upon his return to England , with Madame Duval , then a waiting-girl at a tavern , contrary to the advice and entreaties of all his friends , among whom I was myself the most urgent , induced him to abandonabandonhis native land , and fixfixhis abode in France .
Miss Evelyn , to whom wrath and violence had hitherto been strangers , soon grew weary of such usage ; and rashly , and without a witness , consentedconsentto a private marriagemarriagewith Sir John Belmont , a very profligate young man , who had but too successfully found means to insinuate himself into her favour .
The late Monsieur St. Aubert 's liberality , or extravagance , had so much involved his affairs , that his son found it necessary to dispose of a part of the family domain , and , some years after his marriagemarriage, he soldsellit to Monsieur Quesnel , the brother of his wife , and retiredretireto a small estate in Gascony , where conjugal felicity , and parental duties , divided his attention with the treasures of knowledge and the illuminations of genius .
Within six impressionable years his parents had died and his grandmother had fadedfadeoff almost imperceptibly , until , for the first time since her marriagemarriage, her person held for one day an unquestioned supremacy over her own drawing room .
This sort of thing had been growing worse and worse ever since his marriagemarriagetwo years previously .
A pleasant study , if a bit distracting from its plenitude of associations to Australian-born Joan Gildea , who , on her marriagemarriage, had been transplantedtransplantinto English soil , as care-free as a rose cut from the parent stem , and who now , after nearly twenty years , had returnedreturnto the scene of her youth -- a widow , a working journalist and shorn of most of her early illusions .