degree awarded to Johnson , in the hope that this could then be used to justify an MA from Oxford , but Swift refused to act on Johnson 's behalf .
He received a bachelor , mastereducation.educationdoctorate 's degree in law from the National Autonomous University of Mexico ( UNAM ) , where he also taught several courses for almost 19 years ( 1954 – 1973 ) before heading the Mexican Institute of Social Security in the López Portillo administration .
Novaro Peñalosa was born in Mexico City and graduated from the National Autonomous University of Mexico with a bachelor 's degree ( 1965 ) , a mastereducation.educationdegree ( 1968 ) and a doctorate degree in Physics ( 1969 ) under the supervision of Marcos Moshinsky .
Troili was a pupil of Roger Joseph Boscovich at the Collegio Romano , and supported his mastereducation.educationatomic theory explaining the properties of matter .
A reformer in religion , with Matthew Parker , then mastereducation.educationBenet College , he acted as an executor of his friend Martin Bucer , and both delivered orations at his funeral in March 1551 .
The manuscript was acquired by Matthew Parker , Archbishop of Canterbury ( 1559–1575 ) and mastereducation.educationCorpus Christi College , Cambridge , following the dissolution of the monasteries , and bequeathed to the college on his death .
Vincent Bourne , a mastereducation.educationWestminster School , wrote a Latin poem on the jackdaw which was translated into English by William Cowper and forms the opening reference to a tale by George Augustus Henry Sala about a royal wedding viewed from the point of view of a jackdaw .
The Republicans held a rally at Tulane University in New Orleans to honor Goldwater and former Democrat-turned-Republican Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina as well as the defecting Louisiana Democrats , with then congressional candidate David C. Treen acting as mastereducation.educationceremonies .
The only son of Daniel Hill , he attended Marlborough College where his interest in natural history was encouraged by the classical mastereducation.educationentomologist , Edward Meyrick .
He studied philosophy at the École Normale Supérieure , and carried on the eclectic tradition of his mastereducation.educationwith Ravaisson and Jules Simon .
Yamamoto completed his bachelor 's degree from Nihon University in 1967 and his mastereducation.educationdegree from the Tokyo University of the Arts in 1971 , after which he continued his studies at the University of Tokyo under Hiroshi Hara .
Hans Henning Ørberg ( April 21 , 1920 – February 17 , 2010 ) was born in Denmark and received a mastereducation.educationdegree in English , French and Latin at the University of Copenhagen .
She pursued a mastereducation.educationdegree at Boston University , where she studied with Anne Sexton , and graduated in 1970 .
Lloyd E. Lenard ( 1922–2008 ) wrote a mastereducation.educationdegree thesis on the impact of Neiman Marcus on the American Southwest while he was a student at the University of Missouri at Columbia .
Otto Lindig ( 1881 – 1966 ) was a German mastereducation.educationwho was a student and later a workshop manager at the famous Bauhaus art school in Weimar , Germany .
Joost Schmidt ( Wunstorf , 5 January 1893 - Nürnberg , 2 December 1948 ) was a teacher or mastereducation.educationthe Bauhaus and later a professor at the College of Visual Arts , Berlin .
Dworsky belongs to the generation of post-World War II modernists which took its cues from the 1920s German Bauhaus and the French-Swiss mastereducation.educationCorbusier .
`` Herbert Bayer '' , `` Communication Arts '' , September/October 1988 : A profile of the last Bauhaus
After gaining his mastereducation.educationdegree under William Henry Perkin , Jr. , he was awarded an 1851 Research Fellowship from the Royal Commission for the Exhibition of 1851 and studied at the University of Göttingen earning his PhD degree in Otto Wallach 's laboratory after only one year of study .
Thomae , son of Karl August Thomae ( head mastereducation.educationand Emilie Gutsmuths , grew up in Laucha an der Unstrut and in 1864 attained a doctorate under Ernst Schering at the University of Göttingen .
Educated at St Andrews University between the ages of ten to fourteen , during which time he completed requirements for both his bachelor 's and mastereducation.educationdegrees , James was taught by the celebrated Scottish scholar , politician and poet George Buchanan ( 1506–1582 ) .
Afterwards he was assistant to Joseph Merriman at Cranleigh School ; and assistant mastereducation.educationHarrow School , appointed by Henry Montagu Butler , an old friend .
He then received his mastereducation.educations degree and doctorate at Columbia University in New York City , where he studied with Nobel Prize laureate Isidor Isaac Rabi .
The first dean , Igor Ansoff , held mastereducation.educationdegrees in engineering and in mathematics and physics from the Stevens Institute of Technology ; his PhD from Brown University was in applied mathematics .
Another son was A. C. Benson , the author of the lyrics to Elgar 's `` Land of Hope and Glory '' and mastereducation.educationMagdalene College , Cambridge .
Another was A. C. Benson , the author of the lyrics to Elgar 's `` Land of Hope and Glory '' and mastereducation.educationMagdalene College , Cambridge .
As an undergraduate he met and fell under the spell of A C Benson , formerly a greatly loved mastereducation.educationEton , and by this time a don at Magdalene College .
At Cambridge his chief friends were Daniel Waterland , mastereducation.educationMagdalene College , John Jortin , and John Taylor , the editor of Demosthenes .
He would continue his study of ballet and other dance styles throughout his teenage years , going on to attend the prestigious NYC Fiorello H. LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts and studying under mastereducation.educationEliot Feld .
At the house of Van Mildert in Ely Place he met the elder Christopher Wordsworth , mastereducation.educationTrinity College , Cambridge , whom he joined in revising the proof-sheets of Christopher Wordsworth the younger 's work , `` Theophilus Anglicanus '' .
The Berkeley Network , or Berknet , was an early local area network , developed at the University of California , Berkeley ca . 1979 , primarily by Eric Schmidt as part of his mastereducation.educationthesis work .
He attended Hebrew University where he received his bachelor ’ s degree in mathematics and computer science in 1986 and his mastereducation.educationdegree in 1987 , under the supervision of Gil Kalai .
Beginning in 1954 , Bly spent two years at the University of Iowa at the Iowa Writers Workshop , completing a mastereducation.educationdegree in fine arts , along with W. D. Snodgrass , Donald Justice , and others .
Woolley received a bachelor 's degree at Yale University , where Cole Porter was an intimate friend and classmate , and mastereducation.educationdegrees from Yale and Harvard University .
Behravesh obtained his BS from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and he earned his mastereducation.educationand Ph.D. in economics at the University of Pennsylvania , studying with Nobel Prize winner and econometrics pioneer Lawrence Klein founder of WEFA ( Wharton Econometric Forecasting Associates ) .
Ivana finished her bachelor composition studies with Marko Ruzdjak ( 2002 ) , and her mastereducation.educationin the Royal Conservatory of The Hague with Louis Andriessen , Gilius van Bergeijk and Diderik Wagenaar ( 2006 ) .
Hues was a friend of the geographer Richard Hakluyt , who was then regent mastereducation.educationChrist Church .
He then studied under mastereducation.educationarchitect Eero Saarinen at the Cranbrook Academy of Art in Bloomfield Hills , Michigan , receiving his master 's degree in architecture and urban design in 1946 .
With the recommendation from Allen Tate , she was admitted to Vanderbilt University for mastereducation.educationwork with Donald Davidson .
She attended Melbourne University in the 1950s , where she became acquainted with Germaine Greer and they extended their feminist inclinations through various cogitations , earning her bachelor 's degree in English and subsequently her mastereducation.educationdegree .
A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits is the title of a mastereducation.educationthesis written by computer science pioneer Claude E. Shannon while attending the Massachusetts Institute of Technology ( MIT ) in 1937 .
In 1937 , Claude Shannon produced his mastereducation.educationthesis at MIT that implemented Boolean algebra and binary arithmetic using electronic relays and switches for the first time in history .
Sutherland received his Bachelor 's Degree in Electrical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute , and his mastereducation.educationdegree and Ph.D. from MIT ; his thesis advisor was Claude Shannon .
He studied with Franz Kamin at the at Indiana University School of Music , under the Greek composer Iannis Xenakis , where he received a mastereducation.educationdegree .
A student of Zellig Harris , with whom he wrote `` The phonemes of Kingwana-Swahili '' in 1942 , Lukoff received his bachelor 's degree from the University of Pennsylvania in 1947 , his mastereducation.educationfrom the same institution in 1948 , and his doctorate , also from Penn , in 1954 .
Yale University awarded him a mastereducation.educationdegree in 1960—but not before he attended a debate on nuclear weapons testing between William F. Buckley and Norman Thomas and joined pickets outside a New Haven store , a branch of which was not allowing blacks to sit at a lunch counter with whites in Greensboro , North Carolina .
After gaining a mastereducation.educationdegree at University of Texas at Austin , Pearl met Tobe Hooper in a film lab .
While working on his mastereducation.educationdegree in astrophysics at Columbia University , Charles `` Nick '' Corfield , a mathematician alumnus of the University of Cambridge , decided to write a WYSIWYG document editor on a Sun-2 workstation .
Ever `` an eager defender and maintainer of the university and its privileges , '' he was hostile to the Royal Society , which he regarded as a possible rival , and in 1686 he gave an absolute refusal to Obadiah Walker , afterwards the Roman Catholic mastereducation.educationUniversity College , though licensed by James II , to print books , declaring he would as soon `` part with his bed from under him '' as his press .