At length , strugglingstruggleto get loose , I had the fortune to breakbreakthe strings , and wrenchwrenchout the pegs that fastened my left arm to the ground ; for , by liftingliftit up to my face , I discovereddiscoverthe methods they had taken to bindbindme , and at the same time with a violent pullpull, which gave me excessive painpain, I a little loosenedloosenthe strings that tied down my hair on the left side , so that I was just able to turnturnmy head about two inches .
Just after luncheon , Burke , the butler , was taken unexpectedly with a painpainin his right side , much worse when I was within hearing distance , and by afternoon he was startedstartcityward .
One day he was at this game , and did not know that the master was in the next field ; but he was there , watchingwatchwhat was going on ; over the hedge he jumpedjumpin a snap , and catchingcatchDick by the arm , he gave him such a boxboxon the ear as made him roarroarwith the painpainand surprisesurprise.