the Academy played a leading role in the new Royal Academy of Italy due to important scholars such as Guglielmo Marconi and Alessandro Ghigi .
Kumi Naidoo of Greenpeace International said : `` Right now the global climate regimeorganization.leadershipto nothing more than a voluntary deal that 's put off for a decade .
, adopted unanimously on December 17 , 2009 , after reiterating its `` unequivocal condemnation '' of Osama bin Laden , the Taliban and Al-Qaeda for `` ongoing and multiple criminal terrorist acts '' , the Council adopted new measures to its decade-old regimeorganization.leadershipsanctions on the groups and others associated with them .
After the fall of the Suharto regimeorganization.leadership1998 , both men returned to Indonesia where JI gained a terrorist edge when one of its founders , the late Abdullah Sungkar , established contact with Osama Bin Laden 's al-Qaeda network .
In a September 20 speech , Bush condemned Osama bin Laden and his organization Al-Qaeda , and issued an ultimatum to the Taliban regimeorganization.leadershipAfghanistan , where bin Laden was operating , to `` hand over the terrorists , or ... share in their fate '' .
The aim of the invasion was to find the whereabouts of Osama bin Laden and other high-ranking al-Qaeda members and put them on trial , to destroy the whole organization of al-Qaeda , and to remove the Taliban regimeorganization.leadershipsupported and gave safe harbor to al-Qaeda .
The outfit had also cultivated links with the former Taliban regimeorganization.leadershipAfghanistan and also with Osama bin Laden and his Al Qaeda network .
The purpose for the entry into the Afghanistan conflict was stated to capture Osama bin Laden , destroy al-Qaeda , and remove the Taliban regimeorganization.leadershiphad provided support and safe harbor to al-Qaeda .
The stated purpose of the invasion was to capture Osama bin Laden , destroy al-Qaeda , and remove the Taliban regimeorganization.leadershiphad provided support and safe harbor to al-Qaeda .
The stated purpose of the invasion was to capture Osama bin Laden , destroy Al-Qaeda , and remove the Taliban regimeorganization.leadershiphad provided support and safe harbor to Al-Qaeda .
The stated purpose of the invasion was to capture Osama bin Laden , destroy al-Qaeda , and remove the Taliban regimeorganization.leadershiphad provided support and safe harbour to al-Qaeda .