Montraville ; “ but am determined to make the most of the present , and would willingly compound with any kind Familiar who would inform me who the girl is , and how I might be likely to obtain an interview . ”
“ You can have your dinner as soon as it 's done , ” repliedreplythe mother .
“ Wal , I want my terbacco an ' I ai n't carin ' about no fire , ” repliedreplySnake .
“ Reckon you 'll l'arn when I do , ” repliedreplythe leader .
“ You 're dead right , Burt -- an ' that 's my stand , ” repliedreplythe man who had sent Moze out .
“ Reckon we 'll do some tall ridin ' before we strike south , ” repliedreplySnake , gruffly .
' She is a lucky girl , ' repliedreplyanother voice , which Margaret knew to be that of Mrs. Gibson , a lady who was taking a double interestinterestin the conversationconversation, from the fact of one of her daughters having been marriedmarrywithin the last few weeks .
repliedreplyhe ; ‘ my mother wo n’t let me go to sea or enter the army ; and I ’m determined to do nothing else — except make myself such a nuisance to you all , that you will be thankful to get rid of me on any terms . ’
“ My dear Mr. Bennet , ” repliedreplyhis wife , “ how can you be so tiresome !
“ They have none of them much to recommend them , ” repliedreplyhe ; “ they are all silly and ignorant like other girls ; but Lizzy has something more of quickness than her sisters . ”
“ I do not cough for my own amusement , ” repliedreplyKitty fretfully .
There was much food for thought in the manner in which he repliedreply.
" Henry , do n't you be a fool , " his mother had repliedreply.
" The Lord 's will be done , Henry , " she had finally repliedreply, and had then continued to milkmilkthe brindle cow .
" Oh yes , " he repliedreply, " my very well-known friend .
“ I ’m going up the Alps , ” repliedreplyRandolph .
“ It is you who are unpoetical , ” repliedreplythe poet Syme .