I mountedmountinto the window - seat : gatheringgatherup my feet , I satsitcross-legged , like a Turk ; and , having drawndrawthe red moreen curtain nearly close , I was shrined in double retirement .
We satsitdown ; and for some moments , while he spoke not , I gazedgazeupon him with a feeling half of pity , half of awe .
The Comingcomeof a Native Son The Happy Family , waitingwaitfor the Sunday supper call , were grouped around the open door of the bunk-house , gossipinggossipidly of things purely local , when the Old Man returnedreturnfrom the Stock Association at Helena ; beside him on the buggy seat satsita stranger .
He kept this suspendedsuspendwhile the newcomer satsitdown , and Mrs. Hilbery deftly joinedjointhe severed parts by leaningleantowards him and remarkingremark: “ Now , what would you do if you were married to an engineer , and had to live in Manchester , Mr. Denham ? ”
The medical gentleman walkedwalkaway to dinner ; and the nurse , having once more appliedapplyherself to the green bottle , satsitdown on a low chair before the firefire, and proceeded to dressdressthe infant .
When he was gonego, Durbeyfield walkedwalka few steps in a profound reverie , and then satsitdown upon the grassy bank by the roadside , depositingdeposithis basket before him .
CHAPTER I IN WHICH I THROW AMBS-ACE THE work of the day being over , I satsitdown upon my doorstep , pipe in hand , to restrestawhile in the cool of the evening .
He putputhis arm about my shoulder , for we were old friends , and together we wentgoup the green bank to the house , and , when I had broughtbringhim a pipe , satsitdown side by side upon the doorstep .