will not help Washington to oust Maduro , but will create more hardship for the Venezuelan people , who are suffering from food and medical shortfallsShortage.
Critics have said a Venezuela oil application of the sanctionsEmbargowill not help Washington to oust Maduro , but will create more hardship for the Venezuelan people , who are suffering from food and medical shortfallsShortage.
At that time a prosperous Russia was grappling with fuel shortfallsShortage.
Critics have said a Russia oil application of the sanctionsEmbargowill not help Washington to oust Maduro , but will create more hardship for the Venezuelan people , who are suffering from food and medical shortfallsShortage.
Critics have said a US oil application of the sanctionsEmbargowill not help Washington to oust Maduro , but will create more hardship for the Venezuelan people , who are suffering from food and medical shortfallsShortage.
A U.S. law dating back to oil shortfallsShortageof the 1970s generally barsProhibitingexports of domestically produced crude , but shipments to Canada are allowed , as are re-exports of foreign oil .
`` The Committee emphasized that achieving 100 % conformity from all participating countries in the DoC and compensating for the shortfallsShortagein May , June and July 2020 is not only fair , but vital for the ongoing rebalancing efforts and to help deliver long-term oil market stability , '' OPEC had argued , pointing to ongoing tension within the group .