its estimate for global economic growth to 2.60 % from 2.70 % for 2013 .
In its World Energy Outlook 2018 , the Paris-based Credit Suisse said it had slashedCause.movement.down.lossits longer-term oil price forecast from Wednesday , partly because of the droppingMovement.down.losscost of both renewable and conventional sources of energy , the worldwide push to tackle climate change and improve air quality and the spurtGrow.strongspurtGrow.strongin U.S. shale oil and gas output .
The OPEC slashedCause.movement.down.lossslightly its estimate for usage in global oil 2014 to 1.2 million bpd , for total annual demand of 95.9 million bpd .
Last week analysts at Credit Suisse slashedCause.movement.down.losstheir 2016 Brent oil price projections to $ 93 a barrel , the second-lowest among analysts polled by Reuters .
In a monthly report on Friday , the Energy Information Administration ( EIA ) slashedCause.movement.down.lossits forecast for demand growth in global oil 2014 to 1.10 million barrels per day ( bpd ) , belowMovement.down.loss30,000 bpd .
Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries also slashedCause.movement.down.lossits projection for usage for OPEC crude , supply of which OPEC has pledged to reduceCause.movement.down.lossby 600,000 bpd August as part of an agreement with Russia and other non-OPEC producers such as Oman and Kazakhstan .
In the report , OPEC also slashedCause.movement.down.lossits this year global oil demand growth estimate for a third straight month .
The U.S. Energy Information Administration slashedCause.movement.down.lossits global oil consumption projection for 2015 by 240,000 barrels per day ( bpd ) to 95.9 million bpd .
The kingdom slashedCause.movement.down.lossits own output from more than 10 million barrels per day in 1980 to less than 2.5 million bpd in 1985-86 . LONDON -LRB- Reuters -RRB- - Brent crude futures dippedMovement.down.lossbelow $ 111 a barrel on Thursday after Libya declared an end to an oil crisisCrisisthat has slashedCause.movement.down.lossexports from the OPEC member .
The Energy Information Administration ( EIA ) slashedCause.movement.down.lossits forecast of usage for U.S. Energy Information Administration crude .
The the agency slashedCause.movement.down.lossslightly its estimate for demand in global oil this year to 310,000 bpd , for total annual demand of 1.10 million barrels per day ( bpd ) .