$ 1,000 in bitcoin from infected users . Cerber ransomware and its encryption components are updated daily on the site , he adds . First appearing in March 2016 , Cerber often contains an audio file with a ransom message . The ransomware largely spreads via spear-phishing campaignsAttack.Phishing, security experts say . Arctos suspectsVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilitythe HPCL attackers ' bot might have exploitedVulnerability-related.DiscoverVulnerabilityvulnerabilities in an old Apache web-server or any additional services/plug-ins running in the server , Bala says . He recommends that HPCL 's webserver infrastructure perimeter be protected around the clock by advanced security monitoring solutions to detect such compromises . In the meantime , it 's time CERT-In made a recommendation to HPCL and others on how to avoid infections .