sweptsweepup and down the valley , and then triedtryto pierce the black shadows across the brook where the wall of spruce stood up , its speared and spiked crest against the pale clouds .
She had sweptsweepthe hearth , and mademakea bright blazing firefirefor our reception ; the servant had just broughtbringin the tea-tray ; and Rose was producingproducethe sugar-basin and tea-caddy from the cupboard in the black oak side-board , that shoneshinelike polished ebony , in the cheerful parlour twilight .
He therefore dugdighis cellar , and laidlaythe deep foundations of his mansion , on the square of earth whence Matthew Maule , forty years before , had first sweptsweepaway the fallen leaves .
He sweptsweepthe mirror a half circle in the air to flash the tidings abroad in sunlight now radiant on the sea .