The other man , who stood talkingtalkto Sir Henry , was stout and dark , and of quite a different cut .
They had been talkingtalkabout wedding dresses , and wedding ceremonies ; and Captain Lennox , and what he had told Edith about her future life at Corfu , where his regiment was stationed ; and the difficulty of keeping a piano in good tune ( a difficulty which Edith seemed to consider as one of the most formidable that could befall her in her married life ) , and what gowns she should want in the visits to Scotland , which would immediately succeed her marriage ; but the whisperedwhispertone had latterly become more drowsydrowsy; and Margaret , after a pausepauseof a few minutes , foundfind, as she fancied , that in spite of the buzzbuzzin the next room , Edith had rolledrollherself up into a soft ball of muslin and ribbon , and silken curls , and gone off into a peaceful little after-dinner napnap.
Her aunt Shaw was talkingtalkto the five or six ladies who had been diningdiningthere , and whose husbands were still in the dining-room .
And yet , only this afternoon , talkingtalkover the whole matter she saidsayto me : " Once I triedtryto have a lover but I was so sick at the heart , so utterly worn out that I had to sendsendhim away . "
As for me , I was hungry , and contentedcontentmyself with silently demolishingdemolishthe tea , ham , and toast , while my mother and sister went on talkingtalk, and continued to discussdiscussthe apparent or non-apparent circumstances , and probable or improbable history of the mysterious lady ; but I must confessconfessthat , after my brother ’s misadventuremisadventure, I once or twice raisedraisethe cup to my lips , and putputit down again without daring to taste the contents , lest I should injure my dignity by a similar explosionexplosion.