' greatest witch hunt in American history ' When can law enforcement access data stored abroad ? Only Congress can tell MORE ( D - Del . ) and Sheldon Whitehouse Sheldon WhitehouseSpecial counsel to meet with Senate Judiciary Committee members : report Office of Government Ethics : Bannon ’s waiver ' problematic ' Senators debate bringing in Comey for Round 2 MORE ( D - R.I. ) sent a letter to Cruz Wednesday calling the GOP presidential nominee 's remarks " dangerous and irresponsible . "
“ If our jails are overcrowded and congested , ” Dr Simbulan said , “ that will also be true in our courts . ” Aside from a lack of physical space in courtrooms , there is a shortage of judges and prosecutors to hear cases . Consequently , with just two or three hearings a year , inmates ’ trialsjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.nacan take years , even decades . There are 3,800 inmates at the jail , which was built six decades ago to house 800 , and they engage in a relentless contest for space ( AFP / Getty ) " Posting bail is often not an option because most of those who run afoul of the law are poor , " Phelim Kine , Asia deputy director for Human Rights Watch , told The Independent .
We do n’t talk in this country about criminalizing poor political judgment or flawed policy . That is what separates us — or has until now separated us — from Vladimir Putin ’s Russia or Hugo Chavez ’s Venezuela . Communist China conducts political show trialsjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.na; not here . The criminal prosecution rhetoric underscores the discomfort many feel with giving Trump — a peevish , resentful narcissist — control over the Internal Revenue Service , the FBI , the NSA , the CIA and , of course , the military . Jamie Kirchick argues that the following scenario is not all that far - fetched :
A report of the trial by an organization monitoring human rights in Ukraine noted that history professor Alexander Vertinsky acted for the prosecution and argued that the post " did not correspond with the position accepted at international level . " Twisted The claim about the post " denying " the Nuremberg trials is based on the twisted logic that the trialsjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.nadid not mention Russia 's invasion of Poland . That much is true – largely because Russia played a significant role in the trials and so steered them away from any discussion of Russia 's early collaboration with Nazi Germany . Of course , that does n't mean the coordinated invasion did n't happen – it did , as any number of historians would be willing to confirm , as well as millions of Poles .
Full stop . Period . ” But , although a former professor of Constitutional law , the President sports a checkered history when it comes to prejudicing investigations and even trialsjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.trialhearing, conducted by those ultimately reporting to him . For example , more than two years before Bradley ( Chelsea ) Manning was brought to trial , the President stated publicly : “ We are a nation of laws . We do n’t let individuals make decisions about how the law operates .
The party can not be saved , but the country still can be . " Learning to love Big Brother : " There are those who merely hope to survive . Their consciences wo n’t let them curry favor so shamelessly , so they mumble their pledges of support , like the victims in Stalin 's show trialsjustice.initiatejudicialprocess.trialhearing, perhaps not realizing that the leader and his followers will get them in the end anyway . " Bonus Greek drama : " When the plague descended on Thebes , Oedipus sent his brother - in - law to the Delphic oracle to discover the cause . Little did he realize that the crime for which Thebes was being punished was his own .