its 2013 world economic growth forecast to 3.3 % , downMovement.down.lossfrom a January projection of 3.5 % , while the multilateral lending institution 's 2014 growth forecast fellMovement.down.lossto 4.0 % from 4.1 % .
In a monthly report on Friday , the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries trimmedCause.movement.down.lossits projection for consumption in global oil 2014 to 1.10 million barrels per day ( bpd ) , belowMovement.down.loss70,000 bpd .
The IEA trimmedCause.movement.down.lossslightly its forecast for demand growth in global oil this year to 1.2 million bpd , for total annual demand of 95.9 million bpd .
Kiernan said that the EIU had trimmedCause.movement.down.lossits bets for global economic growth to 2.60 % from 2.70 % for 2013 .
Last week analysts at Credit Suisse trimmedCause.movement.down.losstheir 2016 Brent oil price projections to $ 93 a barrel , the second-lowest among analysts polled by Reuters .
Last week analysts at IEA trimmedCause.movement.down.losstheir 2016 Brent oil price projections to $ 93 a barrel , the second-lowest among analysts polled by Reuters .
In a monthly report on Friday , the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries trimmedCause.movement.down.lossits projection for demand growth in global oil this year to 1.10 million barrels per day -LRB- bpd -RRB- , downMovement.down.loss30,000 bpd .
The U.S. Energy Information Administration ( EIA ) on Tuesday trimmedCause.movement.down.lossits global oil demand projection for this year by 240,000 barrels per day as the virus outbreak crimpsCause.movement.down.lossoil demand growth in Korea .
U.S. employment data faltersSlow.weakwith the euro zone , where Germany 's Bundesbank this week trimmedMovement.down.lossits 2014 growth forecasts for Europe 's largest economy to 4.00 % .
In a monthly report issued on Wednesday , the Energy Information Administration ( EIA ) also trimmedCause.movement.down.lossits forecasts for demand for OPEC crude this year , pointing to a supply glutOversupplyof more than 1 million bpd in 1980s if OPEC keeps output at current levels .