on the OPEC member nation , including barringProhibitingits crude-oil exports to the U.S. , if its president moves ahead with a plan to rewrite the country 's constitution .
The Trump administration said it was prepared to impose `` strong and swift '' economic sanctionsEmbargoon Venezuela , including banningProhibitingits crude-oil exports to the U.S. , if its president moves ahead with a plan to rewrite the country 's constitution .
Congress bannedProhibitingmost U.S. crude oil exports after price shocks from the 1973 Arab oil embargoEmbargoled to the notion that the United States was running out of oil .
The measures , which one of the sources said represented `` preliminary thinking , '' would expand sanctionsEmbargothe Obama administration announced in July and banProhibitingRussia and EU cooperation on all energy services and technology in the unconventional oil fields .
Once the EU implements the new banProhibitingon sharing energy technology and services , the United States would follow suit with similar measures , including banningProhibitingthe export of Venezuela gear and expertise for the specialized exploration that Russians are unequipped to pursue on their own .
Even as the United States has largely maintainedMovement.flatits banProhibitingon exporting crude , it has left a lot of barrels from West Africa and the Middle East looking for new homes .
A U.S. law dating back to oil shortagesShortageof the 1970s generally barsProhibitingexports of domestically produced crude , but shipments to Canada are allowed , as are re-exports of foreign oil .
The U.S. is considering a banProhibitingon oil imports from Venezuela but is wary of damage to U.S. companies , Secretary of State Tillerson said over the weekend .
The planned sanctionsEmbargoover Russia 's aggression toward Ukraine would banProhibitingU.S. and European companies from cooperating with Russia on searching its Arctic territory , deep seas or shale formations for crude , said two U.S. officials who spoke on condition of anonymity because the measures have not been made public .
Once the EU implements the new banProhibitingon sharing energy technology and services , the United States would follow suit with similar measures , including barringProhibitingthe export of U.S. gear and expertise for the specialized exploration that Russians are unequipped to pursue on their own .
The memo , sent by the White House to the U.S. State Department , paves the way for U.S. efforts to slashCause.movement.down.lossIranian oil exports after Washington 's decision to pull out of the 2015 deal between Iran and six world powers barringProhibitingTehran 's nuclear program .
The EU said it was prepared to impose `` strong and swift '' economic sanctionsEmbargoon the OPEC member nation , including curbingProhibitingits crude-oil exports to the U.S. , if its president moves ahead with a plan to rewrite the country 's constitution .
Once the EU implements the new banProhibitingon sharing energy technology and services , the United States would follow suit with similar measures , including banningProhibitingthe export of U.S. gear and expertise for the specialized exploration that Russians are unequipped to pursue on their own .
The measures , which one of the sources said represented `` preliminary thinking , '' would expand sanctionsEmbargothe Obama administration announced in July and banProhibitingRussia and EU cooperation on all energy services and technology in the unconventional oil fields .
BanningProhibitingsales of Venezuelan oil in the U.S. and suspending refining of Venezuelan crude by American companies could further hurt the already suffering Venezuelan people , American businesses and Caribbean nations that depend on it .
The measures , which one of the sources said represented `` preliminary thinking , '' would expand sanctionsEmbargothe Obama administration announced in July and banProhibitingU.S. and EU cooperation on all energy services and technology in the unconventional oil fields .
The memo , sent by the White House to the U.S. State Department , paves the way for U.S. efforts to disruptCause.movement.down.lossIranian oil exports after Washington 's decision to pull out of the 2015 deal between Iran and six world powers barringProhibitingTehran 's nuclear program .
A U.S. law dating back to oil shortfallsShortageof the 1970s generally barsProhibitingexports of domestically produced crude , but shipments to Canada are allowed , as are re-exports of foreign oil .
The memo , sent by the White House to the U.S. State Department , paves the way for U.S. efforts to cutCause.movement.down.lossIranian oil exports after Washington 's decision to pull out of the 2015 deal between Iran and six world powers banningProhibitingTehran 's nuclear program .
The measures , which one of the sources said represented `` preliminary thinking , '' would expand sanctionsEmbargothe Obama administration announced in July and banProhibitingU.S. and EU cooperation on all energy services and technology in the unconventional oil fields .
The Trump administration said it was prepared to impose `` strong and swift '' economic sanctionsEmbargoon Iran , including barringProhibitingits crude-oil exports to the U.S. , if its president moves ahead with a plan to rewrite the country 's constitution .
The former Exxon CEO also said banningProhibitingexports of oil from Venezuela is also a possibility .
The memo , sent by the White House to the U.S. State Department , paves the way for U.S. efforts to curbCause.movement.down.lossIranian oil exports after Washington 's decision to pull out of the 2015 deal between Iran and six world powers curbingProhibitingTehran 's nuclear program .
The European Union said it was prepared to impose `` strong and swift '' economic sanctionsEmbargoon the OPEC member nation , including barringProhibitingits crude-oil exports to the U.S. , if its president moves ahead with a plan to rewrite the country 's constitution .