the extreme right-wing Nationalist Movement Party stated : “ How does one distinguish between Chinese and Koreans ?
Co-heads of the organization are Yulia Tymoshenko and Arseniy Yatsenyuk of Batkivshchyna , Vitali Klitschko of UDAR , Oleh Tyahnybok of Svoboda , University president of National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Serhiy Kvit , leaderorganization.leadershipthe organization `` Third Ukrainian Republic '' Yuriy Lutsenko and singer Ruslana
Partnering with L.A. Reid , the headorganization.leadershipEpic Records , and SM Entertainment in Korea , Shin and Joombas Music Factory are working very closely to K-pop music industry .
Gifford Pinchot III , grandson of the first Gifford Pinchot , is co-founder and president of the Bainbridge Graduate Institute , which offers a Master of Business Administrationorganization.leadershipintegrating environmental sustainability and social responsibility with innovation and profit .
Nevertheless , the Hamas Covenant states `` After Palestine , the Zionists aspire to expand from the Nile to the Euphrates , '' and as recently as January 29 , 2006 , Hamas leaderorganization.leadershipal-Zahar issued a demand for Israel to change its flag , citing the `` Nile to Euphrates '' argument .
Lawrence Sherman is best known in science as an experimental criminologist , and to Ángel Cabrera , Presidentorganization.leadershipGeorge Mason University , as the `` father '' of evidence-based policing .
Mowbray noted that Alhurra had broadcast live , unedited speeches by Hezbollah leaderorganization.leadershipNasrallah and Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh , an interview with an alleged al-Qaeda operative who expressed joy at the 9/11 attacks , and a panel whose members offered conspiracy theories about alleged Israeli plans to destroy the al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem .
The square is named after Sir Allen Taylor ( 1864-1940 ) , a timber merchant , ship builder and Lord Mayororganization.leadershipSydney who was responsible for the widening of Oxford Street during his tenure .
Past speakers have included Steve Forbes , Chairmanorganization.leadershipCEO of Forbes magazine ; Nasreen Berwari , Iraqi Minister of Municipalities and General Works ; Jeffrey Sachs , special adviser to the UN ’ s Millennium Development ; Theodore Roosevelt IV , Managing Director at Lehman Brothers and prominent environmentalist ; and Dov Zakheim , US Undersecretary of Defense .
Seymour Stein , the presidentorganization.leadershipSire Records – in London on business – heard John Peel play Teenage Kicks on BBC Radio 1 and became interested in the band .
Writing in `` The Times '' the following day , Sir Anthony Seldon , headmasterorganization.leadershipWellington College and a key Gove ally , claimed that Morgan knew little about schools and had accepted the education portfolio despite an initial lack of interest .
International Atomic Energy Agency Directororganization.leadershipYukiya Amano welcomed the strong support expressed at the summit for the Agency ’ s `` essential role '' in the field of nuclear security .
McKinnon 's brothers include the twins John McKinnon , the current New Zealand Secretary of Defence and a former Ambassador to China , and Malcolm McKinnon , an editor and academic , and Ian McKinnon , Pro-Chancellor of Victoria University of Wellington , School Headmasterorganization.leadershipScots College and former Deputy Mayor of Wellington City .
The bill is described by NARAL Pro-Choice America presidentorganization.leadershipKeenan as a bill to `` codify Roe v. Wade '' which would `` repeal the Bush-backed Federal Abortion Ban , '' referring to the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act , `` and other federal restrictions '' .
Lord Rotherwick married secondly , in 2000 , Tania Jane Fox , older sister of Diana Fox , a development economist married to Mark Carney , the Canadian Governororganization.leadershipthe Bank of England .
`` The Oath '' is documentary from directororganization.leadershipPoitras that tells the tale of two men , Abu Jandal and Salim Ahmed Hamdan , whose meeting launched them on juxtaposed paths with Al-Qaeda , Osama bin Laden , 9/11 , US military tribunals and the U.S. Supreme Court .
Dupri re-signed the group to So So Def through Island Def Jam , which handles the distribution for So So Def , and where Jermaine Dupri was presidentorganization.leadershipthe urban division .
Edit Herczog gained some attention for an attempted intervention into a speech being made by Nigel Farage MEP , a representativeorganization.leadershipUnited Kingdom Independence Party .
L. Paige Patterson ( born October 19 , 1942 ) is the eighth presidentorganization.leadershipthe Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth , Texas .
In November 2006 , he claimed that in the 1980s he had been `` three days '' away from killing the then leaderorganization.leadershipthe Greater London Council and former Mayor of London , Ken Livingstone , over his invitations to Sinn Féin 's Gerry Adams and Martin McGuinness to visit him in London .
Uroyoán Ramón Emeterio Walker Ramos is a mathematician , college professor , and the current Presidentorganization.leadershipthe University of Puerto Rico ( UPR ) .
In 2010 , he was appointed COO of UMG International following the appointment of the division 's chairmanorganization.leadershipLucian Grainge , to CEO of Universal Music Group .
The party was also anti-US , anti-Zionist and anti-EU and supported Hezbollah and its leaderorganization.leadershipNasrallah .
Increased European integration giving a central body increased control over the budgets of member states was proposed on June 14 , 2012 by Jens Weidmann Presidentorganization.leadershipthe Deutsche Bundesbank , expanding on ideas first proposed by Jean-Claude Trichet , former president of the European Central Bank .
S. Georgia Nugent is the interim presidentorganization.leadershipthe College of Wooster in Wooster , Ohio , and former president of Kenyon College in Gambier , Ohio .
Stan Shih ( ; b. December 18 , 1944 in Rokkō Town ( 鹿港街 ) , Shōka District ( 彰化郡 ) of Taichū Prefecture , Japanese Taiwan ) is founder , president , and chairmanorganization.leadershipAcer Inc ..
He is the younger brother of former New Zealand Deputy Prime Minister , Foreign Minister , and , former Commonwealth Secretary-General Don McKinnon ; and of Ian McKinnon , Chancellor of Victoria University of Wellington and a former Deputy Mayor of Wellington City ; twin-brother of historian and New Zealand international relations expert Malcolm McKinnon ; and , the son of Major-General Walter McKinnon , a one time Chief of General Staff and Chairmanorganization.leadershipNew Zealand Broadcasting .
Driss Benhima ( ; born 28 May 1954 ) is the Chairmanorganization.leadershipthe Board and CEO of Royal Air Maroc , the national airline of Morocco .
Hamas 's informal 'Prime Ministerorganization.leadershipIsmail Haniyeh told Reuters in a video interview : `` These are plagues from God .
The Center was founded in 1990 , under the direction of former University of Virginia presidentorganization.leadershipM. O'Neil .
Michael Tsamaz ( ) has been the Chairmanorganization.leadershipCEO of the Hellenic Telecommunications Organization ( OTE ) since 3 November 2010 .
On May 30 , 2014 , Beyer was one of three assistants hired to serve under new Detroit Pistons headorganization.leadershipStan Van Gundy .
Human Rights Campaign ( HRC ) presidentorganization.leadershipGriffin argued that even kissing a same-sex partner or displaying LGBT symbols such as the rainbow flag could be illegal under the law .
His farewell function was presided over by Stuart McFarlane , then Secretaryorganization.leadershipthe Treasury and more than 110 senior public servants attended .
John Smedley ( born August 27 , 1968 ) is the former Presidentorganization.leadershipDaybreak Game Company , which changed its name from Sony Online Entertainment in 2015 .
Jarle Aarbakke ( born November 18 , 1942 ) was the rector at the University of Tromsø , and are currently the mayororganization.leadershipTromsø in Northern-Norway .
He was later joined by many others including Park Jae-wan , the finance ministerorganization.leadershipSouth Korea , and by Jens Weidmann , president of the Bundesbank .
Writing in the `` Los Angeles Times Book Review '' , Joyce Appleby , past presidentorganization.leadershipthe American Historical Association says that `` Eve 's Seed '' is written in `` sparkling prose '' and terms it `` a bestseller waiting to be discovered . ''
International Olympic Committee Presidentorganization.leadershipBach , South Korean President Park Geun-hye and other state dignitaries attended the ceremony .
Sunday Best Recordings Ltd is a British music company , founded and runorganization.leadershipBBC Radio 1 DJ Rob da Bank .
March 25 , 2012 , Orman replaced Yıldırım Demirören to become the 33rd presidentorganization.leadershipBeşiktaş J.K. , getting 4025 of the 4545 votes cast .
Robert Allyn Scott is an American educator and academic administrator who served as ninth presidentorganization.leadershipAdelphi University located in Garden City , New York from 2000-2015 .
On 20 February 2008 UEFA presidentorganization.leadershipPlatini presented the Hellenic Football Federation with a CHF1m cheque to help finance the rebuilding of football facilities damaged by the fires in Greece the previous summer .
RCA Records chieforganization.leadershipPeter Edge also revealed in their 2014 mid-year assessment that they were in a process of finding new music and directions for some of the their established acts — primarily with Clarkson .
Other U-M graduates include Donald Kohn ( past Vice Chairmanorganization.leadershipthe Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System ) , Temel Kotil ( president and CEO of Turkish Airlines ) , current Dean of Harvard Law School Martha Minow , assisted-suicide advocate Dr. Jack Kevorkian , Weather Underground radical activist Bill Ayers , activist Tom Hayden , architect Charles Moore , Rensis Likert ( a sociologist who specialized in management styles and developed the Likert scale ) , the Swedish Holocaust hero Raoul Wallenberg , and Benjamin D. Pritchard ( the Civil War general who captured Jefferson Davis ) .