The pair signed to Ruthless Records ( runorganization.leadershipEazy-E ) in 1992 , catching the attention of Eazy-E manager Jerry Heller 's nephew .
Gun rights advocates such as Halbrook , Zelman , and National Rifle Association ( NRA ) leaderorganization.leadershipLaPierre have proposed that Nazi Party policies and laws were an enabling factor in the Holocaust , that prevented its victims from implementing an effective resistance .
LGBT rights activists , Human rights activists , and other critics stated that the broad and vague wording of the law , which was characterized as a ban on `` gay propaganda '' by the media , made it a crime to publicly make statements or distribute materials in support of LGBT rights , hold pride parades or similar demonstrations , state that gay relationships are equal to heterosexual relationships , or according to Human Rights Campaign ( HRC ) presidentorganization.leadershipGriffin , even display LGBT symbols such as the rainbow flag or kiss a same-sex partner in public .
Lesa B. Roe is an American aerospace engineer who served as the Directororganization.leadershipNASA Langley Research Center from 2005 to 2014 .
In 2006 , Indian National Congress Presidentorganization.leadershipMP , Sonia Gandhi , resigned several posts under pressure from political opposition who asserted that the posts were 'offices of profit ' and thus unlawful .
On 2 May 2011 in an interview on TVNZ 's Māori-language programme 'Te Karere ' , Harawira said that the former leaderorganization.leadershipAl Qaeda Osama bin Laden 's actions were those of `` a man who fought for the rights , the land and the freedom of his people '' and that people should not be damning him but mourn him .
During the summer of 2012 , Reid said during an interview with `` The Huffington Post '' that he had received information from an unidentified investor in Bain Capital that presumptive Republican presidentialorganization.leadershipMitt Romney did not pay any taxes for 10 years .
Among its directors have been Dan Wolf , President and CEO of airline Cape Air , along with former candidate for Massachusetts governor and convenience store baronorganization.leadershipMihos ( source : public records at the Massachusetts Division of Corporations ) .
Alec Scheiner ( born in Lower Merion , PA ) is the current presidentorganization.leadershipthe Cleveland Browns of the National Football League ( NFL ) .
The final document was designed as a practical tool kit to serve clubs and fans and was endorsed by the EU Commissionerorganization.leadershipEducation and Culture , Androulla Vassiliou and UEFA President Michel Platini .
In contrast , Hamas political leaderorganization.leadershipMashaal described Ahmadinejad 's comments as `` courageous '' and stated , `` Muslim people will defend Iran because it voices what they have in their hearts , in particular the Palestinian people . ''
In the 1990s , a wealthy Saudi dissident , Osama Bin Laden , leaderorganization.leadershipAl Qaeda ( an internationalist Islamist paramilitary headquartered in Afghanistan ) declared a fatwa calling for the killing of `` Americans and their allies -- civilians and military ... in any country in which it is possible to do it '' in order to bring to an end the ongoing enforcement of the blockade against Iraq and presence of US troops in the Arabian Peninsula .
On 23 March , a FIFA delegation assigned to the case , led by Ghana Football Association president Kwesi Nyantakyi , announced its support for the 16-team Kenyan Premierorganization.leadershipbut suggested that the league be contested by 18 teams from 2016 onwards .
David Alan Siegel ( born May 3 , 1935 ) is an American businessman who founded Westgate Resorts Ltd , a Florida-based timeshare resort firm where he serves as president and chieforganization.leadershipofficer .
Jonathan S. Bush ( born March 10 , 1969 ) is the co-founder , Chieforganization.leadershipOfficer , and President of athenahealth , a Watertown , Massachusetts-based health care technology company founded in 1997 .
Kaku contrasts Verne 's foresight against U.S. Postmaster General John Wanamaker , who in 1893 predicted that mail would still be delivered by stagecoach and horseback in 100 years ' time , and IBM chairmanorganization.leadershipJ. Watson , who in 1943 is alleged to have said `` I think there is a world market for maybe five computers . ''
New England Patriots owner Bob Kraft , Boston Celtics co-owner and Bain Capital executiveorganization.leadershipPagliuca , and Gloria Cordes Larson of Bentley were listed as directors .
Judeh was named as a member of the Arab diplomatic delegation , headed by Arab League chief Nabil al-Arabi , which deals with the political conflict between the Palestinian National Authorityorganization.leadershipIsrael , on 27 December 2012 .
The organisation published an article on 7 April 2013 criticising the character of Ian Taylor , Chieforganization.leadershipand President of Vitol and a major donor to Better Together .
Anderson alumni include James G. Ellis ( BBA , 1968 ) , dean of the University of Southern California 's Marshall School of Business , and Gene E. Franchini ( BBA , 1957 ) , lawyer , judge , New Mexico Supreme Court Chieforganization.leadership.
The Council had seven members , said by the British and Irish governments to have included Gerry Adams , the presidentorganization.leadershipSinn Féin .
Sir Andrew Dillon , ( born 9 May 1954 ) is the chieforganization.leadershipof the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence ( NICE ) .
It was attended by UEFA Presidentorganization.leadershipPlatini and Northern Ireland manager Nigel Worthington who was in Northern Ireland for the FIFA meeting held in Newcastle .
It continued to be Denmark 's largest party until 2001 when Anders Fogh Rasmussen 's liberal Venstre Party gained a landslide victory , becoming the largest party and forming a centre-right governmentorganization.leadership
Late 2002 Moroz , Viktor Yushchenko ( Our Ukraine ) , Petro Symonenko ( Communist Party of Ukraine ) and Yulia Tymoshenko ( Yulia Tymoshenko Bloc ) issued a joint statementorganization.leadership`` the beginning of a state revolution in Ukraine '' .
In those elections – also helped by the fact that Abdullah Öcalan , headorganization.leadershipthe separatist ( PKK ) was apprehended in Kenya and flown to Turkey during this period – Ecevit 's party gained the largest number of seats , leading to Ecevit 's final term as Prime Minister in a coalition with the Motherland Party ( , ANAP ) of Mesut Yılmaz and the Nationalist Movement Party ( , MHP ) of Devlet Bahçeli .
In 2001 , the United States and its allies suspected the complex was being used by al-Qaeda and was the location of the commanderorganization.leadershipbin Laden 's headquarters .
Rodrigo Arocena Linn ( born February 23 , 1947 in Montevideo ) is an Uruguayan mathematician , and rectororganization.leadershipthe University of the Republic since July 2006 .
Sir Ivor Martin Crewe , FAcSS ( born 15 December 1945 ) is the Master of University College , Oxford and Presidentorganization.leadershipof the Academy of Social Sciences .
Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba ( ; born 28 July 1951 ) is a Spanish politician who was Generalorganization.leadershipof the Spanish Socialist Workers ' Party ( PSOE ) from 2012 to 2014 .
Paul Wachter is an American businessman and investment advisor whose clients include Arnold Schwarzenegger , LeBron James , Beats Electronics LLC co-founder Jimmy Iovine , and Tom Werner , Chairmanorganization.leadershipthe Boston Red Sox and the Liverpool Football Club .
On the 11 of August 2013 , party Chairmanorganization.leadershipSubramanian Swamy merged the Janata Party with the Bharatiya Janata Party in presence of BJP president Rajnath Singh .
Sinn Féin Presidentorganization.leadershipAdams delivered the graveside oration at his funeral , describing him as `` a radical in the Connolly tradition '' .
On 17 September 2004 IAEA headorganization.leadershipBaradei said his organization had found no sign of nuclear-related activity at the Parchin site in Iran , which several US officials had said might be to secret nuclear weapons research .
Edelman is an American public relations firm founded and named after Daniel Edelman ( July 3 , 1920 – January 15 , 2013 ) and currently runorganization.leadershiphis son Richard Edelman .
During the 1983 season , Mansour Ojjeh had a meeting with McLaren team bossorganization.leadershipDennis , who offered Ojjeh the chance of not just a sponsorship deal like with Williams , but having a part ownership of McLaren .
Professor Manoj Datta was the Directororganization.leadershipPunjab Engineering College and was only the second director after PEC acquired a Deemed University status .
Walter White , headorganization.leadershipthe NAACP , noted that there was no rioting at the Packard and Hudson plants , where leaders of the UAW and CIO had been incorporating blacks as part of the rank and file , part of the changes that had begun to open opportunities for blacks .
The NASCAR-based program was conceived in the 1990s , officially implemented in 2004 by NASCAR chairmanorganization.leadershipFrance , and based largely off input from White and NBA star Brad Daugherty .
Matt Ouimet is the presidentorganization.leadershipCEO of Cedar Fair Entertainment Company , a publicly traded company that owns 11 amusement parks in the United States and Canada .
The National Committee was instrumental in convincing President Bill Clinton to issue a visa to Gerry Adams , the leaderorganization.leadershipSinn Fein .
Kinchlow , the son of a Methodist ministerorganization.leadershipcame to Christianity in the 1970s after a period as a Black Nationalist influenced by Malcolm X and the Black Muslims .
Walter Taylor Reveley , III ( born January 6 , 1943 ) is the twenty-seventh presidentorganization.leadershipthe College of William & Mary .
Despite having a signed contract , Rahal was unable to complete the deal when McLaren bossorganization.leadershipDennis persuaded Newey to stay .