Trinity College , Oxford , from 1996 to 2006 and was succeeded by Ivor Roberts .
Suleyman said that with thousands of worshipers he did not know all of them personally , but he denied that `` '' Wahabism , which is followed by radicals , including the leaderorganization.leadershipthe Al-Qaeda terror cell bin Laden , has never been propagandized at Abu Bakr . '' ''
Ishrat Husain is a Pakistani banker and economist , who is the Dean and Director of the Institute of Business Administrationorganization.leadershipKarachi .
The event featured the attendance of Hamad bin Isa al Khalifa , the Kingorganization.leadershipBahrain , members of the ruling family , Sepp Blatter , the president of FIFA , Michel Platini , the president of UEFA as well as other officials .
He graduated from Junior College of Commerce , which is now known as Quinnipiac University.Later , as chairmanorganization.leadershipQuinnipiac ’ s Board of Trustees , he heard Quinnipiac President John L. Lahey give talks on the history of the Great Hunger in Ireland , and as a result donated funds to create the Ireland 's Great Hunger Museum at Quinnipiac .
Judith `` Judie '' A . Brown is the presidentorganization.leadershipcofounder of American Life League , the oldest Catholic grassroots pro-life organization in the United States .
Mahmoud Abbas welcomed bin Laden 's death , while Ismail Haniyeh , the head of the Hamas administrationorganization.leadershipthe Gaza Strip , condemned what he saw as the assassination of an `` Arab holy warrior '' .
Her profiles of business executivesorganization.leadershipOberhelman of Caterpillar , in a piece titled `` King Kat '' , and Sears executive Eddie Lampert , in a piece titled `` The Sun Tzu at Sears '' , won her the Front Page Award for business reporting .
Dr. Ronald E. Manahan was the presidentorganization.leadershipGrace College and Theological Seminary in Winona Lake , Indiana , USA .
Michael H. Schill ( born September 30 , 1958 ) is the Presidentorganization.leadershipthe University of Oregon and the former Dean and the Harry N. Wyatt Professor of Law at the University of Chicago Law School .
Steven Charles Wheelwright was the 9th presidentorganization.leadershipBrigham Young University–Hawaii ( BYU-Hawaii ) from 2007 to 2015 .
Mitchel Wallerstein is an American political scientist , former senior official in the U.S . governmentorganization.leadershipthe current President of Baruch College , which is part of the City University of New York .
Miami Book Fair International , originally known as “ Books by the Bay was founded in 1984 by Miami-Dade College Wolfson Campus Presidentorganization.leadershipEduardo J. Padrón , Books & Books owner , Mitchell Kaplan , Craig Pollock of BookWorks , as well as other local independent bookstore owners , in cooperation with the Miami-Dade Public Library System .
In 2005 , Kierszenbaum founded Cherrytree Records along with Jimmy Iovine , then chairmanorganization.leadershipInterscope Records .
Tobias ' 2011 work , God 's Country : The New Zealand Factor ( co-authored with Jane Gray Morrison ) with a Foreword by PETA Presidentorganization.leadershipCo-Founder , Ingrid Newkirk , is a 600-page examination of the first decade of the 21st century , through the lens of ecology , biodiversity , economics and ethics , and offers formidable considerations for new and revolutionary sustainability in the combining of a moral compass with governance and biology .
The proposal was condemned by Sepp Blatter , presidentorganization.leadershipFIFA , who said it brought the game into disrepute and would adversely affect England 's bid for the 2018 World Cup .
An endowed chairorganization.leadershiphis honor , the Shailer Mathews Professorship at the University of Chicago Divinity School , has recently been held by Franklin I. Gamwell and Hans Dieter Betz , and is currently held by Margaret M. Mitchell .
Alternatively , politically-conservative commentator Rush Limbaugh alleged that the film was biased against 2012 Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney due to Bane 's name being a homophone for Bain Capital , the financial service company Romney used to headorganization.leadershipdespite the fact that the character has existed as a major Batman foe since 1993 .
He is the father of politician Ursula von der Leyen and Hans-Holger Albrecht , Presidentorganization.leadershipCEO of the international telecom and media group Millicom .
Among the guest list of 2600 for the first concert and the white-tie gala which would follow it were John D. Rockefeller III ( chairmanorganization.leadershipLincoln Center ) , Secretary of State Dean Rusk , Governor and Mrs. Nelson Rockefeller , United Nations Secretary General U Thant and prominent figures in the arts that included of Metropolitan Opera General Manager Rudolf Bing , violinist Isaac Stern and actress Merle Oberon .
Joseph `` Sepp '' Blatter ( born 10 March 1936 ) is a Swiss football administrator who is the suspended eighth presidentorganization.leadershipFIFA ( `` Fédération Internationale de Football Association '' ) .
On December 4 , 2012 , it was reported that Tom Benson , owner of the NFL 's New Orleans Saints and the NBA 's New Orleans Hornets , would be changing the Hornets ' officialorganization.leadershipto the Pelicans , possibly as early as the 2013–2014 NBA season .
Pascal J. Goldschmidt-Clermont , M.D. , is an internationally renowned cardiologist and cardiovascular researcher , senior vice presidentorganization.leadershipmedical affairs , and dean of the University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine .
In May 2008 , Idris appeared on national television announcing the airline 's first ever 'zero fare ' for domestic and a selection of international flights , a move that raised his spat between him and AirAsia 's bossorganization.leadershipDatuk Seri Tony Fernandes to a new level .
In 1872 , Abner Jackson , the Presidentorganization.leadershipTrinity College , Connecticut , visited Britain , seeking models and an architect for a planned new campus for the college .
However , in February 2006 , a visit paid by Khaled Meshal , leaderorganization.leadershipthe newly elected Hamas , changed this status .
In February 1994 , Major refused to answer Clinton 's telephone calls for days over his decision to grant Sinn Féin leaderorganization.leadershipAdams a visa to visit the United States to agitate .
Kevin J. Manning , Ph.D. ( born November 8 , 1944 in New York , New York ) is currently the presidentorganization.leadershipStevenson University , the former Villa Julie College and the third largest independent university in Maryland .
After graduating from NYU , Moscowitz worked as a lawyer in the mergers and acquisitions department of Skadden , Arps , Slate , Meagher and Flom for a year before being asked by Lyor Cohen to rejoin the company as the headorganization.leadershipRush Communications , the holding company for all of Cohen and partner Russell Simmons entertainment assets .
In the stir created by the revelations of Cowen 's meetings with Fitzpatrick , Labour Party Leader Eamon Gilmore announced his plan to table a third motion of no confidence in Cowen 's governmentorganization.leadershipand calling on the Green Party and Independent partners in the coalition government At the time , however , Cowen ’ s more immediate concern was pressure from within his own party to step down as leader of Fianna Fáil .
Felser and NFL Films headorganization.leadershipSabol were among only a few people to have been present at every Super Bowl game at the time of their respective deaths .
One example occurred in December 2013 , when the Louisiana Media Company ( owned by New Orleans Saints and New Orleans Hornets owner Tom Benson ) entered into a shared services agreement with Raycom Media to runorganization.leadershipformer company 's Fox affiliate in New Orleans , Louisiana , WVUE-DT ; while Louisiana Media Company retained the station 's ownership and license , other assets were assumed by Raycom , which owns stations in markets adjacent to New Orleans ( including Baton Rouge , Jackson , Biloxi , Lake Charles and Shreveport ) but not within New Orleans itself .
On August 24 , 1961 , Meadows married her second husband , Robert F. `` Bob '' Six , presidentorganization.leadershipContinental Airlines , in Honolulu , Hawaii .
In a debate in the Dáil on 6 October 2009 , Labour Party leaderorganization.leadershipGilmore also said that John O'Donoughue 's position as Ceann Comharile was `` untenable '' , and that the Labour Party would table a motion of no confidence in him .
Rato became the Managing Directororganization.leadershipthe IMF on 7 June 2004 , taking over from Anne Krueger , who had been acting as temporary Managing Director after Horst Köhler , who at that time was nominated ( and later elected ) President of Germany , resigned the post 4 March 2004 .
On 15 March 2012 the Ukrainian Social-Democratic Party was expelled from the bloc for alleged `` cooperation with the presidential administrationorganization.leadershipthe ruling regime '' ; the day before the Ukrainian Social Democratic Party party-leader Natalia Korolevska had been expelled from the `` Bloc Yulia Tymoshenko-Batkivschyna '' -faction ( formerly BYuT faction ) in the Verkhovna Rada ( Ukrainian parliament ) .
But the Jibril painting is the most objectionable and will not be tolerated , '' Ahmed , who is planning to write to the prime minister and Congress chieforganization.leadershipGandhi , depicted in his letter .
Tom Mockridge , the then head of Sky Italia replaced Rebekah Brooks as chieforganization.leadershipof News International after she had resigned on 15 July 2011 .
Ivan Iskrov ( ) ( born 26 March 1967 in Pirdop ) is the governororganization.leadershipthe Bulgarian National Bank since October 2003 .
Sheri L. Dew ( born November 21 , 1953 ) is an American author , publisher , and president and chieforganization.leadershipofficer of the Deseret Book Company , headquartered in Salt Lake City , Utah .