The senior spiritual leaderorganization.leadershipthe Orthodox Christian faith arrived in Cuba in 2004 , the first time any Orthodox Patriarch has visited Latin America in the Church 's history : Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I consecrated a cathedral in Havana and bestowed an honor on Fidel Castro .
However , all authors agree that Subhas Chandra Bose 's charismatic leadershiporganization.leadershippersona was probably also amongst the most significant factors that drew the recruits of the second INA and was key in transforming it into a cohesive fighting force .
In the aftermath of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting , Wayne LaPierre , Executiveorganization.leadershipPresident of the National Rifle Association , blamed violent video games , including `` Mortal Kombat '' , as contributors to the increased incidence of killing sprees in the United States .
Former Organisation of Islamic Cooperation Generalorganization.leadershipEkmeleddin İhsanoğlu , who ran as the joint candidate of 13 opposition parties including the Republican People 's Party ( CHP ) and Nationalist Movement Party ( MHP ) , came second with 38.44 % .
On September 10 , 2012 , at least 18 hours before the attack in Benghazi , al-Qaeda leaderorganization.leadershipal-Zawahiri released a video to coincide with the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in 2001 , which called for attacks on Americans in Libya in order to avenge the death of Abu Yahya al-Libi in a drone strike in Pakistan in June 2012 .
Mario Beaulieu ( ; born 1959 ) is a Québécois nationalist , who is president ( 2014–present ) and was leaderorganization.leadership2014–2015 ) of the Bloc Québécois .
On April 29 , 2015 , the UK Independence Party ( UKIP ) requested Kent Police investigate the BBC , claiming that comments made about Party leader Nigel Farage by a panelist on the comedy show `` Have I Got News For You '' might hinder his chances of success in the generalorganization.leadership( which would take place a week later ) , and claimed the BBC breached the Representation of the People Act .
Before her set in 2009 , Emmylou Harris was awarded an honorary doctorate from Berklee College of Music by the presidentorganization.leadershipthe college .
Both European Union Presidentorganization.leadershipManuel Barroso and U.S. President George W. Bush also expressed the hope that Pakistan will continue on the path of democracy .
The actions of United Nations Secretary Generalorganization.leadershipHammarskjöld to try and achieve peace in the Congo despite the ( eventuating ) threat to his life , were strongly motivated by conscience as is reflected in his diary , Vägmärken ( `` Markings '' ) .
Kumi Naidoo of Greenpeace International said : `` Right now the global climate regimeorganization.leadershipto nothing more than a voluntary deal that 's put off for a decade .
Hamas was victorious and Ismail Haniyeh was nominated as Prime Ministerorganization.leadership16 February 2006 and sworn in on 29 March 2006 .
James Danko , the presidentorganization.leadershipButler University called the bill `` ill-conceived legislation at best '' and commented `` No matter your opinion of the law , it is hard to argue with the fact it has done significant damage to our state . ''
In 1992 14,000 soldiers occupied the Cairo shantytown suburb of Imbaba ( est . population 1,000,000 ) for six-weeks arresting and removing some 5000 people , after al-Gama ' a al-Islamiyya followers of Sheikorganization.leadershipAbdel-Rahman attempted to take control there .
Blix became Directororganization.leadershipof the International Atomic Energy Agency between 1981 and 1997 after Sigvard Eklund .
In 2013 Brixey was named the ninth Dean of the Faculty of Fine Arts by York University Presidentorganization.leadershipMamdouh Shoukri .
Bahujan Samaj Party chieforganization.leadershipMayawati , said that proper investigation was required , and that `` action should be so strict that no one should dare to act in such a manner again '' .
Hervé Biausser ( born 17 February 1951 ) is the directororganization.leadershiptwo French engineering schools , École Centrale Paris and Supélec , positions he has held since 2003 and 2013 , respectively .
Alexander Charles Beard CBE ( born October 1963 ) was the deputy directororganization.leadershipthe Tate from 2002 to 2013 .
Interscope Records chairmanorganization.leadershipIovine suggested that Carlton co-write with Jenkins after Carlton played the album 's first five songs for him .
In 1989 , Ashoush participated in the Jihad in Afghanistan , where he became a close friend of Mohammed Atef , who would later become the military chieforganization.leadershipAl Qaeda , and became acquainted with Osama bin Laden and Ayman Al-Zawahiri .
Yuri Aleksandrovich Chaplygin ( ) , an associate member of the Russian Academy of Sciences , is rectororganization.leadershipthe National Research University of Electronic Technology .
Mubarak dissolved his government , appointing former head of the Egyptian Generalorganization.leadershipDirectorate Omar Suleiman vice-president in an attempt to quell dissent .
A current leaderorganization.leadershipal-Qaeda Ayman al-Zawahiri mentioned this killing : `` Ra'uf Khayrat was one of the most dangerous officers in the State Security Intelligence Department who fought the fundamentalists .
Srđan Ognjanović ( Serbian Cyrillic : Срђан Огњановић , English alternatives : Srdjan Ognjanovic , and Srdan Ognjanovic ) is the principalorganization.leadershipMathematical High School Belgrade since 2008 .
When Herbert Kohler , Jr. , presidentorganization.leadershipthe Kohler Company attempted to devalue the family-held stock for tax purposes in 2002 , Marie and her sister Julilly sued .
Joel Manby is the new CEO of SeaWorld Parks & Entertainment and former President and Chieforganization.leadershipOfficer of Herschend Family Entertainment , the largest family-owned theme park corporation in the United States .
On 25 September 2014 Ukraine opened a criminal probe against ( in December 2013 ) Ministerorganization.leadershipFinance of Ukraine Yuriy Kolobov ; he is accused of illegally transferring a $ 450,000 fee to Russia ’ s state-run VTB Capital as a kickback for the 17 December 2013 Ukrainian–Russian action plan .
Jimmy Iovine , the chairmanorganization.leadershipM.I.A . 's American distribution label Interscope , compares M.I.A . to Reed and punk rock songwriter Patti Smith , and recalled , `` She 's gon na do what she 's gon na do , I ca n't tell her shit . ''
A group of Turkish nationalists responded on October 1 , 2010 , by gathering at the Cathedral of Ani to say Muslim prayers led by Devlet Bahçeli , headorganization.leadershipthe Nationalist Movement Party ( MHP ) .
The Miller Program is supervised by Rabbi Bradley Shavit Artson , Dean of the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies and Vice Presidentorganization.leadershipthe AJU .
Ray Lannom Watts ( born December 18 , 1953 ) is the seventh presidentorganization.leadershipthe University of Alabama at Birmingham ( UAB ) .
Dan Ehrenkrantz is an American Reconstructionist rabbi , currently serving as the outgoing presidentorganization.leadershipthe Reconstructionist Rabbinical College in Wyncote , Pennsylvania .
Former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice suggested that there could be work toward an international nuclear fuel bank instead of indigenous Iranian enrichment , while Richard Haass , Presidentorganization.leadershipthe Council on Foreign Relations , has said `` the United States should be willing to discuss what Iran describes as its 'right to enrich' ... provided that Iran accepts both limits on its enrichment program ( no HEU ) and enhanced safeguards '' .
Born to a mill foreman in Kafr Dawar , Egypt , Abouhalima spent his adolescence with the Al-Gama ' a al-Islamiyya , an outlawed Islamic group that heralded Omar Abdel Rahman as their spiritual leaderorganization.leadership
The most important of these was the Nation of Islam , whose Temple Number Seven was runorganization.leadershipMalcolm X from 1952–1963 .
Launched by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum in 2004 , the Young Global Leaders are governed by a board of fourteen world and industry leaders , ranging from Queenorganization.leadershipof Jordan to Marissa Mayer of Yahoo ! .
Clark Knobel Hunt ( born February 19 , 1965 ) is Chairmanorganization.leadershipCEO of the National Football League 's Kansas City Chiefs and a founding investor-owner in Major League Soccer .
Sepp Blatter , Presidentorganization.leadershipFIFA , said on his personal Twitter page that he was shocked to hear Daei was injured .
Alumni include television football pundit Mark Lawrenson and headorganization.leadershipthe Royal Shakespeare Company , Gregory Doran .
Comcast announced on October 12 , 2006 , that it would consolidate its west coast entertainment operations , including G4 , E ! and Style into a new group headed by Ted Harbert , who had formerly runorganization.leadership! .
In April 2012 , he became presidentorganization.leadershipVersailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University , succeeding Sylvie Faucheux .
The current Grand Mufti is Dr. Ibrahim Abu Mohamed , who on a 2012 visit to the Gaza Strip , where he met Hamas leaderorganization.leadershipHaniyeh , told local news agencies , `` I am pleased to stand on the land of jihad to learn from its sons '' .
After the trophy was presented to the Germany team , UEFA Presidentorganization.leadershipPlatini asked Özil for his match shirt as a souvenir , and Özil obliged .