slowly away with her little girl , whilst her son stood watchingwatchher , cutcutto the heart to let her go , and yet unable to leave the wakes .
But I should have mentioned , that before the principal person began his orationoration, he criedcryout three times , _ Langro dehul san _ ( these words and the former were afterwards repeatedrepeatand explainedexplainto me ) ; whereupon , immediately , about fifty of the inhabitants camecomeand cutcutthe strings that fastened the left side of my head , which gave me the liberty of turningturnit to the right , and of observingobservethe person and gesturegestureof him that was to speak .
Trail , trail , wentgoher long dress over the sopping grass , and she camecomeback with her hands full of the hay that was cutcutyesterday -- I suppose for rabbits or something , as she kept on smellingsmellit .