swiftly and steadily towards me across that incredible distance , drawingdrawnearer every minute by so many thousands of miles , camecomethe Thing they were sendingsendus , the Thing that was to bring so much struggle and calamity and death to the earth .
" I am Mary Lennox , " the little girl saidsay, drawingdrawherself up stiffly .
He jumpedjumpout of the box , shookshakehimself , pickedpickout one or two straws that had foundfindtheir way into rents in his clothes , and , drawingdrawa well-worn cap over his uncombed locks , he was all ready for the business of the day .
She waitedwaitfor him in the garden , the other party , drawingdrawon a pair of singularly fresh soft and elastic light gloves and presentingpresentherself with a superficial readiness which , as he approachedapproachher over the small smooth lawn and in the watery English sunshine , he might , with his rougher preparationpreparation, have marked as the model for such an occasion .
The voices stoppedstopat once , all but Dr. Livesey 's ; he wentgoon as before speakingspeakclear and kind and drawingdrawbriskly at his pipe between every word or two .
She heldholdup her hands , strong , shapely hands , and surveyedsurveythem critically , drawingdrawup her fawn sleeves above the wrists .