downstairs to speakspeakwith a friend in the basement , and he waitedwaitfor her on the landing .
Montraville was a Lieutenant in the army : Belcour was his brother officer : they had been to take leaveleaveof their friends previous to their departure for America , and were now returningreturnto Portsmouth , where the troops waitedwaitorders for embarkation .
Chapter 2 Mr. Bennet was among the earliest of those who waitedwaiton Mr. Bingley .
The night watchman and housekeeper , who had waitedwaitup to receive me , were thrown into an awful flutterflutter.
First , however , she waitedwaitfor a few minutes to see if she was going to shrink any further : she felt a little nervousnervousabout this ; ‘ for it might end , you know , ’ saidsayAlice to herself , ‘ in my going out altogether , like a candle .
She waitedwaitfor him in the garden , the other party , drawingdrawon a pair of singularly fresh soft and elastic light gloves and presentingpresentherself with a superficial readiness which , as he approachedapproachher over the small smooth lawn and in the watery English sunshine , he might , with his rougher preparationpreparation, have marked as the model for such an occasion .
The handsome girl waitedwaitfor some time idly in her place , and the only soundsoundheardhearin the stillness was the hoppinghopof the canary up-and down the perches of its prison .
He was tall , straight , and swarthily handsome , and he stood with the complacence of a stage favorite waiting for the applause to cease so that he might speak his first lines ; and , while he waitedwait, he siftedsifttobacco into a cigarette paper daintily , with his little finger extended .