I drewdrawthe blankets over my head and triedtryto think of Christmas .
At length the sun setsetin a flood of glory , behind the distant western hills , and as darkness drewdrawits veil around the secluded spot the sounds of preparation diminisheddiminish; the last light finally disappeareddisappearfrom the log cabin of some officer ; the trees castcasttheir deeper shadows over the mounds and the rippling stream , and a silencesilencesoon pervaded the camp , as deep as that which reigned in the vast forest by which it was environed .
" It is well I drewdrawthe curtain , " thoughtthinkI ; and I wishedwishfervently he might not discover my hiding-place : nor would John Reed have found it out himself ; he was not quick either of vision or conception ; but Eliza just putputher head in at the door , and saidsayat once -- " She is in the window-seat , to be sure , Jack . "
He drewdrawfrom his pocket a newspaper wet from the press , and readreadthe following advertisement : -- NOTICE .
At length she drewdrawthe article into her lap , and untieduntiethe paper covering ; a small swing looking-glass was discloseddisclose, in which she proceeded to surveysurveyherself attentively .
Stretchingstretchforth the official staff in his left hand , he laidlayhis right upon the shoulder of a young woman , whom he thus drewdrawforward , until , on the threshold of the prison-door , she repelledrepelhim , by an actionactionmarked with natural dignity and force of character , and steppedstepinto the open air as if by her own free will .
There was a ring upon that finger ; a ring with a moonstone setting as large and round as the eye of a startled cat , and the Happy Family caughtcatchthe pale gleam of it and drewdrawa long breath .
He drewdrawout his bridle and shookshakeit into shape , and the silver mountings and the reins of braided leather with horsehair tassels made Happy Jack 's eyes greedy with desire .
As he stood with his uncle 's hand in his , he was necessarily broughtbringnear Florence , who instinctively drewdrawa little away , with a slight shuddershudderindicating repugnance .
It would have been a satisfaction to him just then to have been left to himself , and permitted to work on quietly at his profession , and to write his papers for the _ Lancet _ , and to see his friends now and then when he chose ; for Dr Marjoribanks was not a man who had any great need of sympathy by nature , or who was at all addicted to demonstrations of feeling ; consequently , he drewdrawhis wife 's sofa a little farther from the fire , and tooktakehis seat on it soberly , quite unaware that , by so doing , he was putting a knife into his daughter 's heart .
A black servant , who reposed on the box beside the fat coachman , uncurleduncurlhis bandy legs as soon as the equipage drewdrawup opposite Miss Pinkerton 's shining brass plate , and as he pulledpullthe bell at least a score of young heads were seen peeringpeerout of the narrow windows of the stately old brick house .