He threw a glanceglancetoward a certain corner where steps led to the town hall above .
An ' I reckon , " continuedcontinuethe undertaker solemnly , his glanceglanceunconsciously seekingseeka row of fine caskets standing against the wall , -- " I reckon he 'll soon be goin ' de way er all de earth .
Warwick 's first glanceglancehad revealedrevealthe fact that the young woman was strikingly handsome , with a stately beauty seldom encountered .
He was , for the order of intellect represented , attractive , and whatever he had to recommend him , you may be sure was not lost upon Carrie , in this , her first glanceglance.
" And you have a large rent too , " saidsaythe gentleman quizzically , with a glanceglanceat a large hole in Dick 's coat .
In the centre of this enchanted garden Madame Nilsson , in white cashmere slashed with pale blue satin , a reticule dangling from a blue girdle , and large yellow braids carefully disposed on each side of her muslin chemisette , listenedlistenwith downcast eyes to M. Capoul 's impassioned wooingwoo, and affected a guileless incomprehension of his designs whenever , by wordwordor glanceglance, he persuasively indicatedindicatethe ground floor window of the neat brick villa projecting obliquely from the right wing .
It was morning when he awokeawakeand threw a startled glanceglanceupward to the twisted branches of the oak that bent above , siftingsiftdown sunshine on his brown face and close curled hair .
Her acquaintance with the place presentedpresenther in a manner as a hostess , and Strether had a rueful glanceglancefor the lady in the glass cage .
In a moment , however , wisely judgingjudgethat one token of her shame would but poorly serve to hide another , she tooktakethe baby on her arm , and with a burning blushblush, and yet a haughty smilesmile, and a glanceglancethat would not be abashed , lookedlookaround at her townspeople and neighbours .
The next morning , when there was riding to be done , and Miguel appearedappearat the last moment in his working clothes , even Weary , the sunny-hearted , had an unmistakable curlcurlof his lip after the first glanceglance.
Curtis , screened from his uncle 's view , darted a glanceglanceof bitter indignation at Florence .
Some half hour later I happened to glanceglancecasually across the valley and was much surprisedsurpriseto notenotethree little dots in about the same place I had last seenseemy friend and his two pack animals .
A backward glanceglanceconvincedconvinceme that to return by the way I had come would be more hazardous than to continue across the plateau , so , puttingputspurs to my poor beast , I made a dashdashfor the opening to the pass which I could distinguishdistinguishon the far side of the table land .
But altogether all that did not amount to much either in the way of gain or prospects ; so that when Winnie announced her engagement to Mr Verloc her mother could not help wonderingwonder, with a sighsighand a glanceglancetowards the scullery , what would become of poor Stephen now .