; she toldtellme she knew it would be to no purpose to speak to my father upon any such subject ; that he knew too well what was my interest to give his consent to anything so much for my hurt ; and that she wonderedwonderhow I could think of any such thing after the discoursediscourseI had had with my father , and such kind and tender expressionsexpressionas she knew my father had used to me ; and that , in short , if I would ruin myself , there was no help for me ; but I might depend I should never have their consent to it ; that for her part she would not have so much hand in my destruction ; and I should never have it to say that my mother was willing when my father was not .
She only became more wistfully affectionateaffectionatethan ever in her expressionsexpression, and looked as disappointed as I expected when I frankly toldtellher that I could no longer enjoy the pleasure of what we called “ seein ’ folks . ”
As soon as the bacon was well under way , and Millie , her lymphatic maid , had been briskedbriskup a bit by a few deftly chosenchooseexpressionsexpressionof contempt , she carriedcarrythe cloth , plates , and glasses into the parlour and began to layliethem with the utmost _ eclat _ .