down the bed-clothes , tooktakehim in her arms , and carriedcarryhim downstairs .
Miss Betsey , lookinglookround the room , slowly and inquiringly , beganbeginon the other side , and carriedcarryher eyes on , like a Saracen ’s Head in a Dutch clock , until they reachedreachmy mother .
Many things happened during the hours in which she sleptsleepso heavily , but she was not disturbed by the wailswailand the soundsoundof things being carriedcarryin and out of the bungalow .
One night , as he lay in bed , the windswindhad carriedcarryto him the clangoringclangorof the church bell as some enthusiast jerkedjerkthe rope frantically to tell the twisted news of a great battle .
Before reaching her he stoppedstopon the grass and went through the form of feelingfeelfor something , possibly forgotten , in the light overcoat he carriedcarryon his arm ; yet the essence of the actactwas no more than the impulseimpulseto gain time .
It is said by some to be the ghost of a Hessian trooper , whose head had been carriedcarryaway by a cannon-ball , in some nameless battlebattleduring the Revolutionary War , and who is ever and anon seen by the country folk hurrying along in the gloom of night , as if on the wings of the wind .
On the second day after the woundingwoundof Black Michael , Clayton camecomeon deck just in time to seeseethe limp body of one of the crew being carriedcarrybelow by four of his fellows while the first mate , a heavy belaying pin in his hand , stood gloweringglowerat the little party of sullen sailors .
Clerks in the express office tooktakecharge of him ; he was cartedcartabout in another wagon ; a truck carriedcarryhim , with an assortment of boxes and parcels , upon a ferry steamer ; he was truckedtruckoff the steamer into a great railway depot , and finally he was depositeddepositin an express car .
She carriedcarryout the second part of her programme without either interference or sympathy , except from Mrs Marjoribanks 's maid , who had some hopeshopefrom the moment of her arrivalarrival.
As soon as the bacon was well under way , and Millie , her lymphatic maid , had been briskedbriskup a bit by a few deftly chosenchooseexpressionsexpressionof contempt , she carriedcarrythe cloth , plates , and glasses into the parlour and began to layliethem with the utmost _ eclat _ .
Then she filledfillthe mustard pot , and , puttingputit with a certain stateliness upon a gold and black tea-tray , carriedcarryit into the parlour .
" I 'll have them nicely dried , sir , at once , " she saidsay, and carriedcarryhis clothes out of the room .