LONDON -LRB- Reuters -RRB- - Global oil demand will fallMovement.down.lossonly modestly alongside the expected riseMovement.up.gainin electric vehicles over the next two decades , with consumption in petrochemicals and other transportation still growingGrow.strong, the International Energy Agency said on Tuesday .
The commodity started growingGrow.strongfrom the crisisCrisisin 2014/15 when demand ranged between 94-96 million barrels per day ( mb/d ) on a quarterly basis .
Despite Thursday 's volatility , OPEC , which supplies a third of the world 's oil , said oil markets would be balanced in the second half of the year with extra production sufficient to meet growingGrow.strongdemand .
Still , if there were clear signs of growingGrow.strongaggregate demand for oil , prices would likely trend upwardMovement.up.gaindespite the differences in international oil policies .