Crude prices slidMovement.down.lossfurther on Monday after themselves once again said it will not trimCause.movement.down.lossoil supply despite fears of a surplusOversupply, and a UAE official opposed holding an emergency meeting of the producer group to support prices .
OPEC and Mexico have reported that output hit record highsPosition.highsince the deal was announced , adding to fears that the global surplusOversupplycould persist well into 1980s .
VigorousGrow.strongproduction by Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries -LRB- OPEC -RRB- countries , Russia and North America has outpaced demand so far in 2015 , keeping oil prices firmly below $ 50 per barrel and prolonging the surplusOversupply, which is currently at its highestPosition.highin a decade , the report said .
OPEC and Nigeria have reported that output hit record highsPosition.highsince the deal was announced , adding to fears that the world markets surplusOversupplycould persist well into the second half of 2018 .
In a monthly report issued on Wednesday , the IEA also loweredCause.movement.down.lossits projection for consumption for OPEC crude this year , pointing to a surplusOversupplyof more than 1 million bpd in 1980s if OPEC keeps output at current levels .