I plungedplungeinto this thing lightly enough , partly because you were too persuasivepersuasive, and mostly , I honestly think , because that scurrilous Gordon Hallock laughedlaughso uproariously at the idea of my being able to manage an asylum .
The third party of the group , Gregory ’s sister Rosamond , who had her brother ’s braids of red hair , but a kindlier face underneath them , laughedlaughwith such mixture of admiration and disapproval as she gave commonly to the family oracle .
and instinctively she laughedlaugh, and saidsaysomething to increaseincreasethe noisenoise, for the credit of the house presumably , since she herself had not been feeling exhilarated .
He laughedlaughgrimly and bent a keener gazegazeupon the furrowed , shadowy face .
The bolder spirits laughedlaughthem to scorn , but the women began to weepweepand cowercower, and I , though I laughedlaughtoo , thoughtthinkof Smith , and how he ever held the savages , and more especially that Opechancanough who was now their emperor , in a most deep distrust ; telling us that the red men watched while we slept , that they might teach wiliness to a Jesuit , and how to bide its time to a cat crouched before a mousehole .
The bolder spirits laughedlaughthem to scorn , but the women began to weepweepand cowercower, and I , though I laughedlaughtoo , thoughtthinkof Smith , and how he ever held the savages , and more especially that Opechancanough who was now their emperor , in a most deep distrust ; telling us that the red men watched while we slept , that they might teach wiliness to a Jesuit , and how to bide its time to a cat crouched before a mousehole .
He laughedlaugh, and touchedtouchmy knee with his hand , white and smooth as a woman 's , and with a green jewel upon the forefinger .