Stephen Dedalus , displeased and sleepy , leanedleanhis arms on the top of the staircase and lookedlookcoldly at the shakingshakegurglinggurgleface that blessedblesshim , equine in its length , and at the light untonsured hair , grained and hued like pale oak .
Stephen , an elbow rested on the jagged granite , leanedleanhis palm against his brow and gazedgazeat the fraying edge of his shiny black coat-sleeve .
He leanedleanhis back up against a tree , and stretchedstretchhis legs out till one of them most touched one of mine .
He lightedlighta match nonchalantly , by the artfully simple method of pinchingpinchthe head of it with his fingernails , leanedleannegligently against the wall of the bunk-house , and regardedregardthe group incuriously while he smokedsmoke.