in vain into the stalls for the butcher who had sold fresh meat twice a week , on market days , and he felt a genuine thrill of pleasurepleasurewhen he recognizedrecognizethe red bandana turban of old Aunt Lyddy , the ancient negro woman who had sold him gingerbread and fried fish , and told him weird tales of witchcraft and conjuration , in the old days when , as an idle boy , he had loafed about the market-house .
The very parts which made Margaret glowglowas she listenedlisten, Edith pretendedpretendto shiver and shudder at ; partly for the pleasurepleasureshe had in being coaxedcoaxout of her dislike by her fond lover , and partly because anything of a gipsy or make-shift life was really distasteful to her .
He had never said as much before , and I must admitadmitthat his wordswordgave me keen pleasurepleasure, for I had often been piqued by his indifference to my admiration and to the attempts which I had made to give publicity to his methods .
In taking an occasional wisdom-giving stroll in Mrs. Todd ’s company , and in acting as business partner during her frequent absences , I found the July days fly fast , and it was not until I felt myself confrontedconfrontwith too great prideprideand pleasurepleasurein the displaydisplay, one night , of two dollars and twenty-seven cents which I had takentakein during the day , that I rememberedremembera long piece of writing , sadly belated now , which I was bound to do .