Montraville leaned on a broken gate , and lookedlookearnestly at the house .
She lookedlookfixedly up the bleak street as if she were gathering her strength to face something , as if she were trying with all her might to grasp a situation which , no matter how painful , must be met and dealt with somehow .
When she lookedlookfor Emil , she foundfindhim sitting on a step of the staircase that led up to the clothing and carpet department .
My father had often hinted that she seldom conducted herself like any ordinary Christian ; and now , instead of ringing the bell , she camecomeand lookedlookin at that identical window , pressingpressthe end of her nose against the glass to that extent , that my poor dear mother used to say it became perfectly flat and white in a moment .
Following the Reverend Mr. Kronborg along the narrow walk , past the little dark , sleeping houses , the doctor lookedlookup at the flashingflashnight and whistledwhistlesoftly .
We lookedlookat our five-thousand-dollar salary , so strangely shrunkenshrunkenand thin now , and even as we lookedlookwe saw that the method of the unctuous , anxious stranger had become antiquated in its turn .
We lookedlookat our five-thousand-dollar salary , so strangely shrunkenshrunkenand thin now , and even as we lookedlookwe saw that the method of the unctuous , anxious stranger had become antiquated in its turn .
Emma McChesney butteredbutterher bit of toast , then lookedlookup to remarkremarkquietly : " Had n't you better qualify for the trial heats , Jock , before you jump into the finals ? "
He lookedlookin vain into the stalls for the butcher who had sold fresh meat twice a week , on market days , and he felt a genuine thrill of pleasurepleasurewhen he recognizedrecognizethe red bandana turban of old Aunt Lyddy , the ancient negro woman who had sold him gingerbread and fried fish , and told him weird tales of witchcraft and conjuration , in the old days when , as an idle boy , he had loafed about the market-house .
She now turnedturnand lookedlookupon him in full , the instincts of self-protection and coquetry minglingmingleconfusedly in her brain .
His little blacking-box was ready for use , and he lookedlooksharply in the faces of all who passedpass, addressingaddresseach with , " Shine yer boots , sir ? "
As I lookedlookat my friend standing there by the companion-ladder , I thoughtthinkthat if he only let his grow a little , put one of those chain shirts on to his great shoulders , and took hold of a battle-axe and a horn mug , he might have sat as a model for that picture .
While Newton wentgo( not without a muttered grumblinggrumble) to undo the shawls , which had already been exhibitedexhibitfour or five times that day , Margaret lookedlookround upon the nursery ; the first room in that house with which she had become familiarfamiliarnine years ago , when she was broughtbring, all untamed from the forest , to share the home , the play , and the lessons of her cousin Edith .
Now she had got to love the old nursery , though it was but a dismantled place ; and she lookedlookall round , with a kind of cat-like regretregret, at the ideaideaof leaving it for ever in three days .
But when the echoesechohad fully ceasedcease, a light laughterlaughterat once pervaded the assembly ; the musicians lookedlookat each other and smiledsmileas if at their own nervousness and folly , and made whispering vowsvow, each to the other , that the next chiming of the clock should produce in them no similar emotion ; and then , after the lapse of sixty minutes , ( which embrace three thousand and six hundred seconds of the Time that flies , ) there came yet another chimingchimeof the clock , and then were the same disconcertdisconcertand tremulousnesstremulousnessand meditationmeditationas before .
We lookedlookat the venerable stream not in the vivid flush of a short day that comes and departs for ever , but in the august light of abiding memories .
She lookedlookat the two rows of English people who were sitting at the table ; at the row of white bottles of water and red bottles of wine that ran between the English people ; at the portraits of the late Queen and the late Poet Laureate that hung behind the English people , heavily framed ; at the notice of the English church ( Rev. Cuthbert Eager , M. A. Oxon . )
She lookedlookaround as much as to say , “ Are you all like this ? ”
And two little old ladies , who were sitting further up the table , with shawls hanging over the backs of the chairs , lookedlookback , clearly indicating “ We are not ; we are genteel . ”
And Beth lookedlookat her rough hands with a sighsighthat any one could hear that time .
I lookedlookupon the scene before me -- upon the mere house , and the simple landscape features of the domain -- upon the bleak walls -- upon the vacant eye-like windows -- upon a few rank sedges -- and upon a few white trunks of decayed trees -- with an utter depression of soul which I can compare to no earthly sensation more properly than to the after-dream of the reveller upon opium -- the bitter lapse into everyday life -- the hideous dropping off of the veil .
Stephen Dedalus , displeased and sleepy , leanedleanhis arms on the top of the staircase and lookedlookcoldly at the shakingshakegurglinggurgleface that blessedblesshim , equine in its length , and at the light untonsured hair , grained and hued like pale oak .