“ 'Cause it begins at half-past one , the man sayssayso . ”
She has , therefore , lately used her utmost endeavors to obtain a faithful account of whatever related to her ill-advised daughter ; the result of which giving her some reason to apprehendapprehend, that , upon her death-bed , she bequeathedbequeathan infant orphan to the world , she most graciously sayssay, that if you , with whom she understands the child is placed , will procure authentic proofs of its relationship to her , you may sent it to Paris , where she will properly provide for it .
But Eliza Millward sayssayher father intends to call upon her soon , to offer some pastoral advice , which he fears she needs , as , though she is known to have entered the neighbourhood early last week , she did not make her appearance at church on Sunday ; and she — Eliza , that is — will beg to accompany him , and is sure she can succeed in wheedling something out of her — you know , Gilbert , she can do anything .
“ Why , my dear , you must know , Mrs. Long sayssaythat Netherfield is takentakeby a young man of large fortune from the north of England ; that he camecomedown on Monday in a chaise and four to see the place , and was so much delighted with it , that he agreedagreewith Mr. Morris immediately ; that he is to take possession before Michaelmas , and some of his servants are to be in the house by the end of next week . ”
— That fellow I was with in the Ship last night , saidsayBuck Mulligan , sayssayyou have g. p. i. He ’s up in Dottyville with Connolly Norman .
There are a million things I want to grumble about , but it 's half-past ten , and Jane sayssayI MUST go to bed .
" Mis ' ess 's niece is upon the top of the things , and she sayssaythat 's enough that I 've offeredofferye , you great miser , and she wo n't pay any more . "
The gentleman owl sayssay[ [ musical notes occur here in the printed text ] ] , and she answersanswerfrom her tree a little way off , [ [ musical notes ] ] , beautifully assentingassentto and completingcompleteher lord ’s remarkremark, as becomes a properly constructed German she-owl .
" This is a handy cove , " sayssayhe at length ; " and a pleasant sittyated grog-shop .
" You can tell me when I 've worked through that , " sayssayhe , looking as fierce as a commander .
Then Evie comescomeout , and does some calisthenic exercisesexerciseon a machine that is tacked on to a greengage-tree -- they put everything to use -- and then she sayssay' a-tissue , ' and in she goesgo.
' Yes , ' sayssayGrospierre , ' not half an hour ago . '