that Netherfield is takentakeby a young man of large fortune from the north of England ; that he camecomedown on Monday in a chaise and four to see the place , and was so much delighted with it , that he agreedagreewith Mr. Morris immediately ; that he is to take possession before Michaelmas , and some of his servants are to be in the house by the end of next week . ”
His excellency , having mountedmounton the small of my right leg , advancedadvancedforwards up to my face , with about a dozen of his retinue ; and producingproducehis credentials under the signet royal , which he appliedapplyclose to my eyes , spokespeakabout ten minutes without any signs of anger , but with a kind of determinate resolution , often pointingpointforwards , which , as I afterwards foundfind, was towards the capital city , about half a mile distant ; whither it was agreedagreeby his majesty in council that I must be conveyed .
“ The outbreak , ” I returnedreturn, “ will make a tremendous occasion of Thursday night ; ” and everyone so agreedagreewith me that , in the light of it , we lost all attention for everything else .
He passedpass, under this unsought protectionprotectionand before he had so much as gone up to his room , into the garden of the hotel , and at the end of ten minutes had agreedagreeto meet there again , as soon as he should have made himself tidy , the dispenser of such good assurances .
“ That 's the way they do it , all right , ” Irish agreedagree.
It was agreedagreethat I was to hold down our claim against the remote possibility of its being jumped by some wandering prospector .