in oil prices to below $ 90 a barrel is so far modest compared with the 1980s slumpMovement.down.lossthat took crude from $ 35 to below $ 10 , many observers see similarities in a global market that is on the brink of a pivotal turn from an era of scarcity to one of abundance .
Other Gulf delegates attending a meeting of oil ministers from the region said the contract slumpMovement.down.losswas unlikely to spur action from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries ( OPEC ) unless crude declinedMovement.down.loss$ 101 a barrel .
Other Gulf delegates attending a meeting of oil ministers from the region said the price slumpMovement.down.losswas unlikely to spur action from the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries ( OPEC ) unless crude halvedMovement.down.loss$ 97.40 a barrel .
Yet oil futures held resolutely above $ 100 a barrel , with each potential slumpMovement.down.losseventually thwarted .
MOSCOW/LONDON -LRB- Reuters -RRB- - Russian fuel exports to Europe could surgeMovement.up.gainnext year due to tax changes and a slumpMovement.down.lossin domestic demand , stemming from a recession brought on in part by Western sanctionsEmbargo, analysts say .
On the production side , the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries ( OPEC ) and its allies including Libya , known as OPEC + , recommended a further reductionCause.movement.down.lossof 1.8 million barrels a day ( bpd ) next month to stem the oil price slumpMovement.down.loss.