this moment to givegivethem a little sketch of the four sisters , who sat knittingknitaway in the twilight , while the December snowsnowfell quietly without , and the firefirecrackledcracklecheerfully within .
CHAPTER I THE STRANGE MAN 'S ARRIVALarrivalThe stranger camecomeearly in February , one wintry day , through a biting windwindand a driving snowsnow, the last snowfallsnowfallof the year , over the down , walkingwalkfrom Bramblehurst railway station , and carrying a little black portmanteau in his thickly gloved hand .
Although the firefirewas burning up briskly , she was surprisedsurpriseto seeseethat her visitor still wore his hat and coat , standing with his back to her and staringstareout of the window at the falling snowsnowin the yard .