I openopenthe window , and , lookinglookout , can scarcely seeseethrough the rainrainthe grocer 's shop opposite , where a crowd of drunken Irishmen are puffingpuffLynchburg tobacco in their pipes .
From the back-window I can seeseea narrow brick-yard sloping down to the river-side , strewed with rain-butts and tubs .
“ I AM so gladgladto seeseeyou , ” saidsaythe girl , who was in a state of spiritual starvation , and would have been glad to see the waiter if her cousin had permitted it .
But there was one , and I could seeseeTerry , with compass and notebook , markingmarkdirections and tryingtryto place landmarks .
We could seeseewhere it pouredpourdown a narrow vertical cataract from an opening in the face of the cliff .
Miss Watson 's big nigger , named Jim , was settingsetin the kitchen door ; we could seeseehim pretty clear , because there was a light behind him .
My dear Judy , -- likewise my dear Jervis , -- I seeseethrough you !
On such an afternoon , if ever , the Lord High Chancellor ought to be sitting here -- as here he is -- with a foggy glory round his head , softly fenced in with crimson cloth and curtains , addressedaddressby a large advocate with great whiskers , a little voice , and an interminable brief , and outwardly directing his contemplationcontemplationto the lantern in the roof , where he can seeseenothing but fogfog.
( when she thoughtthinkit over afterwards , it occurredoccurto her that she ought to have wondered at this , but at the time it all seemed quite natural ) ; but when the Rabbit actually TOOKtakeA WATCH OUT OF ITS WAISTCOAT-POCKET , and lookedlookat it , and then hurriedhurryon , Alice startedstartto her feet , for it flashedflashacross her mind that she had never before seen a rabbit with either a waistcoat-pocket , or a watch to take out of it , and burning with curiosity , she ranrunacross the field after it , and fortunately was just in time to seeseeit poppopdown a large rabbit-hole under the hedge .
He felt coldcoldand then a little hothot: and he could seeseethe names printed on the cocks .
On the second day after the woundingwoundof Black Michael , Clayton camecomeon deck just in time to seeseethe limp body of one of the crew being carriedcarrybelow by four of his fellows while the first mate , a heavy belaying pin in his hand , stood gloweringglowerat the little party of sullen sailors .
It seldom was ; but he was glad , I think , to seeseeme .
Oh , I seeseewhat you 're at -- there " ; and he threwthrowdown three or four gold pieces on the threshold .
At first we thoughtthinkit was the want of company of his own kind that made him ask this question , but at last we began to seeseehe was desirous to avoid them .
Then she walkedwalkoff the lawn to the meadow , whose corner to the right I can just seesee.
She could seeseethat he was nervous ; one would expect a bony young man with his face slightly reddenedreddenby the windwind, and his hair not altogether smooth , to be nervous in such a party .
The morning of Powell 's departuredeparturewas , like nearly all Arizona mornings , clear and beautiful ; I could seeseehim and his little pack animals pickingpicktheir way down the mountainside toward the valley , and all during the morning I would catch occasional glimpsesglimpseof them as they toppedtopa hog back or camecomeout upon a level plateau .
He could seeseeit plainly between the gaunt trunks of the water-oaks and across the stretch of yellow camomile .
Although the firefirewas burning up briskly , she was surprisedsurpriseto seeseethat her visitor still wore his hat and coat , standing with his back to her and staringstareout of the window at the falling snowsnowin the yard .