you she 'd get us into trouble of some kind , if you brought her ?
" I telltellyou , Edward , " he would say to me , " old Pontifex was not only an able man , but he was one of the very ablest men that ever I knew . "
" I telltellyou , Edward , " saidsaymy father with some severity , " we must judge men not so much by what they do , as by what they make us feel that they have it in them to do .
I will telltellyou plainly that I have a great hope ; and I bringbringit to you to be tested .
“ This son of mine , ” he heardhearher telltella room full of awestruck , admiring women one day , “ is entirely sophisticated and quite charming -- but delicate -- we 're all delicate ; _ here _ , you know . ”
And now I ’ll telltellyou another thing , and that is , that for years and years I have heard rumours of a great white race which is supposed to have its home somewhere up in this direction , and I have a mind to see if there is any truth in them .
He could telltellus only what the others had -- a land of women -- no men -- babies , but all girls .
" It is simplicity itself , " saidsayhe ; " my eyes telltellme that on the inside of your left shoe , just where the firelight strikesstrikeit , the leather is scored by six almost parallel cuts .
Afterward , in the churchyard , between the services , the more timorous began to telltellof divers portents which they had observed , and to recountrecountold tales of how the savages distressed us in the Starving Time .
He gotgetback home barely in season to help Jim , the small colored boy , sawseenext-day 's wood and splitsplitthe kindlings before supper -- at least he was there in time to telltellhis adventures to Jim while Jim did three-fourths of the work .