Silencesilenceensued then for a moment , at the end of which interval Dale heardheara rapid clip-clop on the rocky trail outside .
I have spared no expense in her trousseau , ' were the next wordswordMargaret heardhear.
Margaret heardhearher aunt 's voicevoiceagain , but this time it was as if she had raised herself up from her half-recumbent position , and were looking into the more dimly lighted back drawing-room .
‘ Well , ’ resumedresumeRose ; ‘ I was going to tell you an important piece of news I heardhearthere — I have been burstingburstwith it ever since .
She wentgowith her mother , who , of course , when she heardhearof a stranger being in the neighbourhood , would be on pins and needles till she had seen her and got all she could out of her .
However , he was not much disconcerted at that ; for when he had takentakea mouthful of bread and butter and was about to swallow a gulp of tea , the humour of the thing burstburstupon him with such irresistible force , that he was obliged to jumpjumpup from the table , and rushrushsnortingsnortand chokingchokefrom the room ; and a minute after , was heardhearscreamingscreamin fearful agony in the garden .
A youth passed in solitude , my best years spent under your gentle and feminine fosterage , has so refined the groundwork of my character that I can not overcome an intense distaste to the usual brutality exercised on board ship : I have never believed it to be necessary , and when I heardhearof a mariner equally noted for his kindliness of heart and the respect and obedience paid to him by his crew , I felt myself peculiarly fortunate in being able to securesecurehis services .
I heardhearof him first in rather a romantic manner , from a lady who owes to him the happiness of her life .
But the old man decidedly refusedrefuse, thinking himself bound in honour to my friend , who , when he found the father inexorable , quittedquithis country , nor returnedreturnuntil he heardhearthat his former mistress was marriedmarryaccording to her inclinations .
“ This son of mine , ” he heardhearher telltella room full of awestruck , admiring women one day , “ is entirely sophisticated and quite charming -- but delicate -- we 're all delicate ; _ here _ , you know . ”
He heardhearher voicevoiceas before , fluttering like a bird 's in the full sweetness of her utter music .
He was swelled with a tale he had heardhearfrom a reliable friend , who had heardhearit from a truthful cavalryman , who had heardhearit from his trustworthy brother , one of the orderlies at division headquarters .
He was swelled with a tale he had heardhearfrom a reliable friend , who had heardhearit from a truthful cavalryman , who had heardhearit from his trustworthy brother , one of the orderlies at division headquarters .
He was swelled with a tale he had heardhearfrom a reliable friend , who had heardhearit from a truthful cavalryman , who had heardhearit from his trustworthy brother , one of the orderlies at division headquarters .
I heardheara confused noisenoiseabout me ; but in the posture I lay , could see nothing except the sky .
But the creatures ranrunoff a second time , before I could seize them ; whereupon there was a great shoutshoutin a very shrill accent , and after it ceasedceaseI heardhearone of them crycryaloud _ Tolgo phonac _ ; when in an instant I feltfeelabove a hundred arrows dischargeddischargeon my left hand , which , prickedprickme like so many needles ; and besides , they shotshootanother flightflightinto the air , as we do bombs in Europe , whereof many , I suppose , fell on my body , ( though I felt them not ) , and some on my face , which I immediately coveredcoverwith my left hand .
When the people observedobserveI was quiet , they discharged no more arrows ; but , by the noisenoiseI heardhear, I knewknowtheir numbers increasedincrease; and about four yards from me , over against my right ear , I heardheara knockingknockfor above an hour , like that of people at work ; when turningturnmy head that way , as well as the pegs and strings would permit me , I sawseea stage erectederectabout a foot and a half from the ground , capable of holding four of the inhabitants , with two or three ladders to mount it : from whence one of them , who seemed to be a person of quality , made me a long speechspeech, whereof I understood not one syllable .
When the people observedobserveI was quiet , they discharged no more arrows ; but , by the noisenoiseI heardhear, I knewknowtheir numbers increasedincrease; and about four yards from me , over against my right ear , I heardheara knockingknockfor above an hour , like that of people at work ; when turningturnmy head that way , as well as the pegs and strings would permit me , I sawseea stage erectederectabout a foot and a half from the ground , capable of holding four of the inhabitants , with two or three ladders to mount it : from whence one of them , who seemed to be a person of quality , made me a long speechspeech, whereof I understood not one syllable .
The stars were shining , and the leaves rustled in the woods ever so mournful ; and I heardhearan owl , away off , who-whooing about somebody that was dead , and a whippowill and a dog cryingcryabout somebody that was going to die ; and the windwindwas tryingtryto whisper something to me , and I could n't make out what it was , and so it made the cold shiversshiverrun over me .
Then away out in the woods I heardhearthat kind of a soundsoundthat a ghost makes when it wants to tell about something that 's on its mind and ca n't make itself understood , and so ca n't rest easy in its grave , and has to go about that way every night grieving .
Well , after a long time I heardhearthe clock away off in the town go boom -- boom -- boom -- twelve lickslick; and all still again -- stiller than ever .
From our end of the great brown hall we heardhearhis stepstepon the stair ; whereupon Mrs. Griffin spokespeak.
I do myself the honour of callingcallas soon as possible after my arrivalarrival, to expressexpressthe hope that I have not inconvenienced you by my perseverance in soliciting the occupation of Thrushcross Grange : I heardhearyesterday you had had some thoughts -- ' ' Thrushcross Grange is my own , sir , ' he interruptedinterrupt, wincingwince. '
I and the other colts were feedingfeedat the lower part of the field when we heardhear, quite in the distance , what sounded like the cry of dogs .
The hare triedtryto get through the fence ; it was too thick , and she turnedturnsharp round to make for the road , but it was too late ; the dogs were upon her with their wild criescry; we heardhearone shriekshriek, and that was the endendof her .
I heardhearafterward that it was young George Gordon , the squire ’s only son , a fine , tall young man , and the pride of his family .
Though my mother refusedrefuseto move it to my father , yet I heardhearafterwards that she reportedreportall the discoursediscourseto him , and that my father , after showing a great concernconcernat it , saidsayto her , with a sighsigh, “ That boy might be happy if he would stay at home ; but if he goes abroad , he will be the most miserable wretch that ever was born : I can give no consent to it . ”